Wednesday, 11 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-My grace is all you need.

2Cor12:9, Matt8:17, Isa53:4.

Jesus as the person of grace took our infirm condition and bore our sickness in his body. His grace is always found in the area of weakness to ensure mercy in our infirmities. Whenever we feel like we are weak, that's when our strength is made powerful. Hallelujah!

This is so because we have a  convenant with Christ, so we can trust, that even in our weakness  God will never forsake us but he will turn every obstacle and any infirm situation  into a source of strength for us.

Brethren, there's the need for us to acknowledge our weakness in the presence of God. And by so doing we ask for the Lord's divine presence to be of help to us just as the pillar of clouds and the pillar of fire led the Israelites in the wilderness. Shalom.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Uncovering the hidden blessings of his agony.

Uncovering the hidden blessings of his agony.

Isa53:3, Ps23:6, 1Cor1:19, Gen1:26.

Bound for eternity with emence sorrows. Here on earth, we also get our share of the bitter cake as we sojourn on the cursed land. All men now live life not meant for as a result of the disobedience of one man, and that has put us through this life of sorrows even though sometimes in our eyes they seem good.

But we were  created to be real dominaters of anything or any situation as we fellowship with the Father. But the devil was never happy with it. For as long as we remain in  fellowship with God, we regain power and authority over all things as it were in the days of old.

Brethren, behind his agony, lies our recalling from enimity into a relationship which empowers and brings us back into an intimate relationship. An intimacy where you wouldn't just receive but you walk in them as those blessings fall at your feet and become synanemous with you. Shalom.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Uncovering the blessings found in the passion of Christ.

Uncovering the blessings are found in the passion of Christ.

Isa53:5, Gal3:13, Heb12:2 

Grace shows us love and compassion and through that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law. By his wounds we are healed, with our years being multiplied even unto eternity. As our days increase so shall our strength be quadrupled. Nothing of ours shall run dry as we receive his extravagant grace for the much more life.

Brethren, this glorious life became possible for us in Christ. He was so passionate to pay our debts to save us from eternal damnation. He had to endure the agony as a man to bring us back into his glorious light.

As I present to us Christ Crucified, may we not just see Jesus as a man of sorrows but may the light of our hearts under the influence of the spirit uncover the deep things of the Father concerning the passion of Christ to bring us to a different level in life. Shalom.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Family Affair

Family affair

Romans 8:15-17

Our relationship with God has become family affair because of our union with Christ. We have received the spirit of sonship.This spirit dose not enslaves us, instead he gives us the privilege, the legal backing and the ability to call God, Father. Hallelujah!

 A slave or a servant may not necessarily call his or her master father. Even if they do, it's without sense of fatherly love. *But as a child of God, you have sense of belonging and fatherly love. The holy spirit bears witness that we have been united with Christ and for that reason we are co-heirs.

Brethren, may your joy be found in believing that we'er no more slaves or even servants, gone are those days, for now we have been born again into the family of God and therefore empowered to call God, Abba Father. Shalom!

Thursday, 20 February 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Fix your thought on this truth

Fix  your thought on this truth

Gen39:2 Deut31:16, Matth1:23

This truth is our guide; God never leaves us nor forsakes us regardlessly. He is with us, enabling us in that very difficult moment.

We are hopeful in our walk with Christ, because through it all God promises to be with us in Christ. And this point us to blessings. For the bible says,  and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man. Joseph knew the Lord was with him so he never hopeless even in the midst of temptation and indeed he became a prosperous man.

Brethren, as you fix your thought on this truth, you will be able to see the way God sees things. This will in turn keep you alive in hope, believing that verily all things shall finally turn around for your good to the praise of his holy name. Shalom!

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

WORD OF GRACE-The Lord our hiding place

The Lord our hiding place

Psalms 32:7, 10, Romans 8:31

If the Lord is with us who can be against us? If we are found in his presence what at all can possibly hinder our progress? There's a divine warm embrace under the secret place of the Lord God Almighty. Hallelujah!

If you have made the Lord your hiding place, then your trust is in him. So the bible says the unfailing love of the Lord surrounds those who trust in him. Hallelujah!

Brethren, in the presence of the Lord, there is a relentless love that ensures our safety, joy, peace, well-being, health and much more. As you make the Lord your hiding place, you will enjoy goodness and above all the much more life in the year of the Lord's favour. Shalom!

Sunday, 16 February 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Good to be found in Christ

Good to be found in. Christ

2Cor5:12, Col1:17, 27 Rom8:1

It is a wonderful experience to be in Christ, for in him, there is no condemnation. In him we are the righteousness of God. In him we have the hope of glory. In him we have confident expectation that our present situation can never be compared to the future glory. In Christ everything of us hold firmly together.

Brethren, as you consent to the call by God to be found in  Christ, your life, in including everything of yours will never be shaking for in Christ, all things are held tightly together. Hallelujah.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...