Thursday, 5 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Uncovering the hidden blessings of his agony.

Uncovering the hidden blessings of his agony.

Isa53:3, Ps23:6, 1Cor1:19, Gen1:26.

Bound for eternity with emence sorrows. Here on earth, we also get our share of the bitter cake as we sojourn on the cursed land. All men now live life not meant for as a result of the disobedience of one man, and that has put us through this life of sorrows even though sometimes in our eyes they seem good.

But we were  created to be real dominaters of anything or any situation as we fellowship with the Father. But the devil was never happy with it. For as long as we remain in  fellowship with God, we regain power and authority over all things as it were in the days of old.

Brethren, behind his agony, lies our recalling from enimity into a relationship which empowers and brings us back into an intimate relationship. An intimacy where you wouldn't just receive but you walk in them as those blessings fall at your feet and become synanemous with you. Shalom.

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