2Cor12:9, Matt8:17, Isa53:4.
Jesus as the person of grace took our infirm condition and bore our sickness in his body. His grace is always found in the area of weakness to ensure mercy in our infirmities. Whenever we feel like we are weak, that's when our strength is made powerful. Hallelujah!
This is so because we have a convenant with Christ, so we can trust, that even in our weakness God will never forsake us but he will turn every obstacle and any infirm situation into a source of strength for us.
Brethren, there's the need for us to acknowledge our weakness in the presence of God. And by so doing we ask for the Lord's divine presence to be of help to us just as the pillar of clouds and the pillar of fire led the Israelites in the wilderness. Shalom.
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