He holds our lives together always
-Col1:17, John1:4, Heb3:1, Ron12:2, Phili4:8-9-
Some people go through trials looking stronger and lively even more than some who are not in trouble. God wants these people to be an example so that through them he will strengthen them who are weak in trials even beforehand. Those strong in trials are those who've chosen to see Christ only. By so doing they've entered the rest of God even in the midst of their trials.
The devil hates to see us glowing, he wants us depressed and stressed so that he could win the battle of the mind. As believers we've been empowered to walk through the storm, through the tears and through the fire with our heads lifted high. But these could be possible if we solely fix our thoughts on Christ, the initiator and the completer of our faith.
People of God, from beginning of time, Christ has been the tie that binds. So as we chose to be found in him, our lives will never fall apart even in trials, for it's written in him all things hold firmly together. Hallelujah!