Sunday, 11 August 2019

Word of Grace-Our victory is found in Christ.

                              Our victory is found in Christ.
                 1Cor15:57, Phili2:9, Ps3:8, 2Chro20:15, Ex14:14

I get so much joyful any moment I came to myself that the victory I have is not of myself but Christ. There's an assurance that so far as we remain in Christ, there's no way we can lose the victory we've got. For we didn't earned it by might nor by power but by the spirit of God.

Just as the battle belongs to Christ, even so is the victory. For this reason no one can deprive you of your victory. Anyone who tries to do so,  must first deprive Jesus of his victory. This tells us that our victory is deeply rooted in the salvation of Christ. Hallelujah!

Brethren, let be conscious of this and I believe it will empower us; the moment you became born again, the holy spirit convicted you of righteousness, and you received salvation on the spot and this salvation gave you victory in life. For this reason,  every saint including you and I stand on a victory ground. Shalom!

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