Monday, 5 August 2019

Word of Grace-Grace came for us, the undeserved

                                       Grace came for us, the undeserved
                                     John 16:10, Eph 1:6, 2Cor 5:18-19, 21

The grace of God is always meant for the undeserved. If Jesus died for the righteous what would have been the point in there? It would have not been grace anymore because the man is good and so he merits the goodness of the Lord. But God wanted us to know how much we needed him,that's why he brought in the law so that our feebleness may be revealed to us no matter how good we would have been.

There's no way we could complete a second without the grace of God because the Grace who is the person of Jesus Christ is the reason why God dose not counts our sins against us. Because the moment you receive Christ he takes his abode in you. And the Bible says God is in Christ which means God lives in us by the fact that Christ is in us.

Brethren, Christ in us, is God in us, we are the righteousness of God! The holy spirit declares us as such because Jesus goes to his Father who lives in us. Hallelujah!!!

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