Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Word Of Grace-He holds our lives together always

                                      He holds our lives together always

                           -Col1:17, John1:4, Heb3:1, Ron12:2, Phili4:8-9-

Some people go through trials looking stronger and lively even more than some who are not in trouble. God wants these people to be an example so that through them he will strengthen them who are weak in trials even beforehand. Those strong in trials are those who've chosen to see Christ only. By so doing they've entered the rest of God even in the midst of their trials.

The devil hates to see us glowing, he wants us depressed and stressed so that he could win the battle of  the mind. As believers we've been empowered to walk through the storm, through the tears and through the fire with our heads lifted high. But these could be possible if we solely fix our thoughts on Christ, the initiator and the completer of our faith.

People of God, from beginning of time, Christ has been the tie that binds. So as we chose to be found in him,  our lives will never fall apart even in trials, for it's written in him all things hold firmly together. Hallelujah!

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Word of Grace-Our victory is found in Christ.

                              Our victory is found in Christ.
                 1Cor15:57, Phili2:9, Ps3:8, 2Chro20:15, Ex14:14

I get so much joyful any moment I came to myself that the victory I have is not of myself but Christ. There's an assurance that so far as we remain in Christ, there's no way we can lose the victory we've got. For we didn't earned it by might nor by power but by the spirit of God.

Just as the battle belongs to Christ, even so is the victory. For this reason no one can deprive you of your victory. Anyone who tries to do so,  must first deprive Jesus of his victory. This tells us that our victory is deeply rooted in the salvation of Christ. Hallelujah!

Brethren, let be conscious of this and I believe it will empower us; the moment you became born again, the holy spirit convicted you of righteousness, and you received salvation on the spot and this salvation gave you victory in life. For this reason,  every saint including you and I stand on a victory ground. Shalom!

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Word of Grace-Hold onto your Helmet of Salvation


                                    Hold onto your Helmet of Salvation

                                 Joh10:28, Eph10:16, Rom8:1 2Cor5:19

I know my sheep, I give them external life, and they shall never perish. Saith the Lord. If you're a new creation, you're the one Christ is referring to. We are forever saved in Christ and no one can plug away those established in Christ.

So what's on your mind? Are you entertaining fear of losing your sonship, because of your present wrongs? If you struggle with this matter, then be free and wrestle not, for we stand before God in the  righteousness of Christ. It's written, God is not counting our sins against us but through Christ he drawing us unto himself.

This is awesome Brethren! Irrespective of our weaknesses, Christ still loves us. Knowing and believing this, empowers us to live life in accordance with the word God. So drop not your hope of salvation but take up the shield of faith to put off the lies of the enemy regarding our position in Christ. Shalom.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Word of Grace-Now is the year of the Lord's favour


                                        Jere 29:9-11, Isa61:2, 7

Whoever has the good news looks lively in every circumstances. This is the trick, the good news says I know the plans I have for you, to prosper and to give you an expected end. Our end is made known. This gives us joy to move forward. This joy is now set before us and thus becoming our strength and powering us to move ahead in victory.

This is the acceptable year of the Lord. Whatever you have been through, God is saying now is the time, I will attend to you to confirm my promise. That's the promise of restoring us to our former position. Whatever you lost you shall received double.

Brethren, God's grace is pouring out profusely. This is the moment of the Lord's favour that the poor and the brokenhearted shall be made rich and comforted Amen.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Word of Grace-Unveil the love of God to the hopeless in love

                          Unveil the love of God to the hopeless in love
                          John 3:16, Rom 1:16

Jesus who is the possessor and created of the world, the King of Kings, and God Himself, vacated his glorious throne to be maltreated on the earth so that man could live forever. This sounds weird, how can God leave his fame for our shame?  This is too good to be true, but in fact it is real. The Bible says while we were sinners, God loved us by way of sacrificing his own.  This love is beautiful to behold and so we cherish it. This is is the  power of God that brings everlasting life to us all who  believes.

God never wanted us to be on our own, that's being perpetually separated from him. He created us to have fellowship with him to make his praise  glorious. But the devil thought he could thwart the purpose of God to bring it to an abrupt end. But God who's all knowing knew his thoughts. So he activated his pre-redemption plan to reconcile man unto himself.

Brethren we are who have received the revelation of Christ, are made rock like Peter.God is  building his church upon us and the gate of Hades will not prevail against us. If we would consent to the love that's  poured out, the word of  his love shall flow into our hearts and we shall be empowered  bring this love to the hopeless in love. shalom

Word of Grace-Grace came for us, the undeserved

                                       Grace came for us, the undeserved
                                     John 16:10, Eph 1:6, 2Cor 5:18-19, 21

The grace of God is always meant for the undeserved. If Jesus died for the righteous what would have been the point in there? It would have not been grace anymore because the man is good and so he merits the goodness of the Lord. But God wanted us to know how much we needed him,that's why he brought in the law so that our feebleness may be revealed to us no matter how good we would have been.

There's no way we could complete a second without the grace of God because the Grace who is the person of Jesus Christ is the reason why God dose not counts our sins against us. Because the moment you receive Christ he takes his abode in you. And the Bible says God is in Christ which means God lives in us by the fact that Christ is in us.

Brethren, Christ in us, is God in us, we are the righteousness of God! The holy spirit declares us as such because Jesus goes to his Father who lives in us. Hallelujah!!!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...