Psalm 91
This morning, I 'd like to remind us of Psalm 91, where the Lord makes a very weighty promise of protection for us who find shelter in him. Those who are confined within the fortress of God.
Now, we need to remind ourselves of this promise of protection as believers because the world is described as a battleground, where wars and pestilences are rampant each day and night. But once we have acknowleged God as our fortress and refuge by accepting the life of Jesus, God delights in shielding us from all the evil happenings of this world. May our joy be found in knowing this truth. Hallelulyah
We should be rest assured that as we find shelter in the secret place of the Most High God, he will direct his angels that conerns us to guard and protect us in all our ways. In additon, he will protect us from pestilences and plagues, and most importantly, his faithfulness will be our shield and our protective barrier through it all. Shalom.
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