John 19: 25-27, Ps91:16, 1John 4:7-11
Apart from being protected at the secret place, we also learned that if we acknowledge and love the Lord, he will satisfy us with long life. Our ability to love the Lord now comes as we consent to his love. We in turn receive the desire to love him. So we love the Lord because we have experienced the power of his love.
Now John, who was known in Hebrew as Yohanan, meaning "God has been gracious," referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved in his own epistle on several occasions. Now, being conscious that you are loved is crucial because it allows you to easily take up the mantle of caring for others. This was evident when, on the cross, Jesus said to the disciple whom Jesus loved, "behold your mother," Mother behold your son. And he took her home to cater for her.
May we experience the power of God's love today even as we desire to be there for our families, loved ones, and friends, and may we be able to relate so effectively to accomplish the good we aim to demonstrate according to how we have been loved. Amen.🙏_
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