2Cor 11:24, Isa 53:4, Heb 7:28
Jesus was flogged multiple times with a tool known as Flagrum by the Roman soldiers. This torturing instrument was equipped with sharp bones and iron that ripped the flesh of their victims. That tool ripped off the flesh of Jesus several times, leaving severe wounds and scars on his body. According to the Bible, the scars healed all ailments and disorders. This also suggest that the payment for our sins was not a partial payment. It was, in fact, paid once for all time, with a receipt proving full payment as our healing was found on the receipt with the evidence of torture.
The stripes of Jesus settled the issue of cancer, HIV, strokes, high blood pressure, and any other sickness you can think of. As a result of his stripes, we are healed as Jesus took our sicknesses and afflictions and placed them upon himself. It is written, he has indeed borne and carried our pain
Brethren, we are destined to live a God-like life, which is why Jesus had to go through all of those ordeals in order to restore us into shalom. This Shalom also refers to wholeness, which comes through experiencing Zoe, the God kind of life. May the God kind of life be your whole life . Amen.
Note: Postered on 24th March, 2022