Sunday, 29 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Let your greetings be gracious pt2.

Joh14:27, Gen1:6-8, Rom5:17, 2Cor5:19.

Greeting shalom just got better. Shalom goes beyond peace. Whenever we greet ourselves shalom we call forth blessings of wholeness, well-being, completeness, sound mind, health, safety, and prosperous life for ourselves.

This situation actually existed between God and man before the fallout. We lived at peace with God.This was actually the shalom peace where man had total dominion over all things. By the might of the word man was made so. Now same word reconciled us with God when he died to pay the debt to bring us back from enimity to the position of friendship, our original status.

Brethren, wishing ourselves in the grace way has a lot of positive implications, and they are permanent because shalom depends solely on Christ and no one else's  output. This is the time of grace let share him whiles he's here with us to receive much more in life. Shalom!

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Arise unto prayer oh you believer! For the Lord listens to us.

Ps17:1-15, Ps116, 1John5:15, Matth8:5-13, Heb10:25, 2Chr7:14.

Believers, don't take it kindly the current situation of our nation Ghana. This should be the time we must congregate to cried out unto God, our Father to heal our land. But we're forsaking the assembly of the brethren, because now it seems illigal to congregate and worship. These happenings are unusual.

It shouldn't matter the absence of the assembly of the brethren. If the Centurien believed, Jesus could declare from afar for healing to happen in his house, how much more we who have Christ as our healer? Let us arise from the comfort our homes unto prayer to declare and decree divine disinfection and total healing for our nation Ghana and the world at large, those countries hit had by the covid-19.

Infact they wont say it but deep down within the world look up to us. They know our God never fails. The body of Christ must congregate and worship the Lord again. Even creations long for that, for they know if believers reign in worship there's liberation. Let us rise together in prayer for our Father to heal our nation Ghana and the world. Amen.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Let your greetings be gracious.

Romans 16:21-24, Luke1:42.

Greetings show respect and also the opportunity to initiate conversation with someone. Besides that greetings is just like a wish. When we greet we extend goodwill to ourselves.

There's much more beside the above. One of the ways this much more comes is when we greet ourselves graciously; we wish ourselves love, power, sense of fellowship among the brethren, joy and the gift of righteousness for the much more life.

Blessed are you among women! Mary received this favourable greetings and from no where she became the mother of the Messiah. As we learn to greet ourselves graciously, we accept the shalom of the God of all grace, our Lord and saviour Jesus who continues to be with us. Shalom!

Saturday, 21 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Good to know he loves us.

1John4:16, 2Thess3:3, John8:44

As children of God it is necessary we care to know how much God loves us. How much God loves us is, he gives more than adequate protection to us his beloved. He loves to have us enjoy his divine protection especially in the midst of adversities. This we know and believe he loves us that much.

As the father of all lies the devil always seeks to outwit us with his tricks. He wouldn't allow you to have knowledge about the truth because he knows that when you are in the know you shall surely be set free.

Brethren, in times like this still fret not but embrace the truth that for God so loved you and he still loves you. You're sealed in his perfect love. Shalom!

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Hydrate yourself with the Father's love.

John 13:23,17:23 1john4:8, Sol8:6

As the virus attacks keeps causing fear and panic globally, one thing we need to do as children of God is to refresh ourselves with the perfect love of the Father. As we hydrate ourselves with the Father's love, we drive away fear and anxiety for a sound mind.

Beloved, every preventive measure employed to curb this menace should be done under the sense of his love for us, Just as John always believed in the love of Christ for himself. This way we would remain rest assured that no pestilence shall come near us knowing that we've been sealed in the perfect love. Hallelujah!

Monday, 16 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-His angels keep charge over us.

His angels keep charge over us.
Psalm 91:9-13

Because you belong to the family of the most High, the Lord is your dwelling place.The days may not be good because of plagues and pestilence here and there but they shall not come near you for the Lord is your hiding place and for that matter your refuge.

In times like these, that the world is in fear due to the prevailing Wuhan covid-19, do not be afraid for it written, He shall give his angels charge over you to protect you in all ways.

Brethren, even as we follow the laid down preventive measures by the authorities, don't do so with fear but with faith in the command of the Lord's angels to keep close charge over you and your family. Shalom.!


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-My grace is all you need.

2Cor12:9, Matt8:17, Isa53:4.

Jesus as the person of grace took our infirm condition and bore our sickness in his body. His grace is always found in the area of weakness to ensure mercy in our infirmities. Whenever we feel like we are weak, that's when our strength is made powerful. Hallelujah!

This is so because we have a  convenant with Christ, so we can trust, that even in our weakness  God will never forsake us but he will turn every obstacle and any infirm situation  into a source of strength for us.

Brethren, there's the need for us to acknowledge our weakness in the presence of God. And by so doing we ask for the Lord's divine presence to be of help to us just as the pillar of clouds and the pillar of fire led the Israelites in the wilderness. Shalom.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Uncovering the hidden blessings of his agony.

Uncovering the hidden blessings of his agony.

Isa53:3, Ps23:6, 1Cor1:19, Gen1:26.

Bound for eternity with emence sorrows. Here on earth, we also get our share of the bitter cake as we sojourn on the cursed land. All men now live life not meant for as a result of the disobedience of one man, and that has put us through this life of sorrows even though sometimes in our eyes they seem good.

But we were  created to be real dominaters of anything or any situation as we fellowship with the Father. But the devil was never happy with it. For as long as we remain in  fellowship with God, we regain power and authority over all things as it were in the days of old.

Brethren, behind his agony, lies our recalling from enimity into a relationship which empowers and brings us back into an intimate relationship. An intimacy where you wouldn't just receive but you walk in them as those blessings fall at your feet and become synanemous with you. Shalom.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Uncovering the blessings found in the passion of Christ.

Uncovering the blessings are found in the passion of Christ.

Isa53:5, Gal3:13, Heb12:2 

Grace shows us love and compassion and through that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law. By his wounds we are healed, with our years being multiplied even unto eternity. As our days increase so shall our strength be quadrupled. Nothing of ours shall run dry as we receive his extravagant grace for the much more life.

Brethren, this glorious life became possible for us in Christ. He was so passionate to pay our debts to save us from eternal damnation. He had to endure the agony as a man to bring us back into his glorious light.

As I present to us Christ Crucified, may we not just see Jesus as a man of sorrows but may the light of our hearts under the influence of the spirit uncover the deep things of the Father concerning the passion of Christ to bring us to a different level in life. Shalom.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...