Joh14:27, Gen1:6-8, Rom5:17, 2Cor5:19.
Greeting shalom just got better. Shalom goes beyond peace. Whenever we greet ourselves shalom we call forth blessings of wholeness, well-being, completeness, sound mind, health, safety, and prosperous life for ourselves.
This situation actually existed between God and man before the fallout. We lived at peace with God.This was actually the shalom peace where man had total dominion over all things. By the might of the word man was made so. Now same word reconciled us with God when he died to pay the debt to bring us back from enimity to the position of friendship, our original status.
Brethren, wishing ourselves in the grace way has a lot of positive implications, and they are permanent because shalom depends solely on Christ and no one else's output. This is the time of grace let share him whiles he's here with us to receive much more in life. Shalom!