Friday, 27 September 2019

Word of Grace- Believe right to have it right.

                                      Believe right to have it right.

                             Rom4:13, Phili4:13, Ps121:2, Mark1:15

In the new era, God is clear about how we'd receive his promises. Especially believers who are conscious of the fact that they belong to the seed line of Abraham. Its pays to be conscious of your standing in Christ. You're able to act in line if you're conscious so let cultivate that spiritual attitude of awareness.

Now in the natural, despite your hard work, you may still require helping hand to buttress your effort. But in Christ, our self-effort and other's help don't lead. We don't need to rely on them for it's written, our help comes from the Lord. We can do nothing if the Lord does not strengthen us.

Brethren, the promise that says Abraham and his seed would be the heir of the world was through relying on God, believing rightly in him. And what's right believing? That's believing Christ concerning his finished work. No matter your issue, as you believe right, you shall have it right in Jesus' name. Amen. Shalom.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Word of Grace_ Focus on the Spirit of life and not the letter of death.

                   Focus on the  Spirit of life and not the letter of death.

                          Exd32:28, Rom8:2, Acts2:41, 2Cor3:15

In the new dispensation, we're full of life because we're connected to mount Zion through Christ and not mount Sinai. Sinai was where the law was read and about 3000 souls perished. It's written, the letter kills! Till now whenever the letter of Moses is read veil covers faces to blind all.

But for God so loved the world, he prearranged for better things for our benefit. After God had loved us with his son, the son promised us his presence through the spirit. It was Mount Zion the city of God, that the promise was fulfilled. The spirit was given for the salvation for about 3000 souls. The spirit indeed gives life! In Zion our connection with God is made a reality, as we're sweetly led and fellowship with the holy spirit.

Brethren, in your ministration, if you'd focus on the spirit or be led by grace who's the person of Christ, out of your belly living streams shall flow for the salvation of every soul that you minister to. Shalom.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Word of Grace-He shines on us with his gracious countenance

                                   He shines on us with his gracious countenance

                                      Num6:24-26 Luke15:1-32 Ps37:5-6

We need God's shining face for it is the lamp that bright our path unto victory. As you seek God's face, he will cause his face to shine upon and be gracious unto you.

God's face doesn't just shine upon everyone's face. His face is shone on those who seek him. You see how the father welcome back the prodigal son? The son sought back after the father irrespective of his waywardness. The father smiled on him saying welcome back home my son. When we return to God irrespective of our condition he shines his face on us with a brighter smile. This smile means his acceptance of our receipt, approval, blessing and the guarantee of our sonship. In the end, his smile causes us to shine as the bribe in return.

Brethren, as you commit your way to the Lord, he will sustain you with a smile of beauty and shine of his righteousness to enlighten your path for liberation from any form of darkness in your life so you can enjoy brighter and a hopeful future. Shalom.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Word of Grace-Be still for the Lord is with us.-Immanuel.

                        Be still for the Lord is with us.-Immanuel.

                            Gen39:2, Matth1:23, Ex13:21, Eph1:5

Joseph was declared prosperous when he had absolutely nothing in the physical. He was declared prosperous at that time because there was Immanuel on his side. That same Immanuel is now revealed in Christ for our benefit. Hallelujah.

There's no way you can have Christ and still suffer crises. You may have  bad times or experience dryness nonetheless you will never be helpless. You've the hope of glory because God is with you.

Brethren, our blessedness is revealed in resting in the assurance of God the Immanuel. The journey may not be easy but he promised us of his grace, this is Immanuel! His grace is just as the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, all making sure we get to the promised future. Because the Lord is with us, we're predestined to reign. Hallelujah!

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Word of Grace- The word, the light and the glory transform us.

                      The word, the light and the glory transform us.

                              2Cor3:18, John1:4, 1John1:4, Acts2:17

In him was life and the life  was the light of men. This is the light that we radiate when we behold as in a mirror the glory of God. There is no darkness in him. This has quite significance in our lives when we turn to Christ. We just don't  receive foresight but visions in accordance with the word of God as his light clears the veil off our sight for us to behold our real identity.

And in the light we don't just become conscious of our reality in Christ, but we are able to act upon it under the influence of the spirit and we enjoy victorious living.

Brethren, the light of God, the  word of God and the glory of God are the sources of our of glorious life. As we decide to focus on these as in mirror we experience transformation tirelessly and  timelessly because of the spirit of God who strengthens us.. Shalom!

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Word of Grace-Our build quality is super

                                                     Our build quality is super 

                                          Eph2:10, Ge1:26-28, Gal13:-15, 1John4:17

Let's us make man in our own image. In the likeness of God made the man. In the Tech or the automobile industry, the build or the make of a computer or a vehicle is crucial. The names of these renowned brands made by man are always mentioned for their build quality.

 How much more us who weren't built or made by any human? Our build or make is of God himself. We're of top-notch quality. There's no flaw in us. We're fearfully, wonderfully, lovely, richly and powerfully made.  Do not limit yourself for we're limitless because of Christ. Never get suppressed or frustrated but rather rise up to your build quality to maintain the status quo.

Brethren, God knew our worth so he offered himself on the line in the person of the son. Nothing could equal our worth. God made us even more expensive because he overpaid the ransom with Christ. Let's live as we're called for as he is so are we in this world. Shalom.               

Monday, 9 September 2019

Word of Grace-Live worthy of your make

Word of Grace- We are well Seated!

                                     We are well Seated!

                              Eph 1:18, 2:6, 2Pet1:3 2Cor5:17

Trust the word of God when he says we are well seated! It is written, by grace we are seated with Christ and we operate from above. We're no longer referred as when we used to be dead in our sins. Our starting point is victory and as we walk in the worthy  of it, we would be sitting well in accordance with our calling.

The Bible says if any man be in Christ, that fellow is made new and  no longer regarded as in the former ways. As we sit well according to our calling we're positioned to manifest the glorious life in Christ.

Brethren, it's my  earnest prayer that our hearts become receptive to his hopeful calling, to give us his glorious heritage for a glorious life here on earth and unto eternity. Shalom.

Saturday 7th Sept 2019

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Word of Grace- Focus on the solution

                                          Focus on the solution
                                     Eph 2:6, 3:20, 1Pt5:7 Isa26:3.

Should we harbour any worry after we have cast out our cares unto God? No, it's no longer in our hands. We don't fix the problem which isn't in our hands instead, we patiently focus on God, who himself is the solution to every issue at hand.

When your cares are cast out unto God, you don't think about how you fix it but instead, you meditate on how faithful is our God, who is able to do exceedingly and far above all that we could ask for.

 Brethren, in all things, one thing still remains, and that's we are seated with Christ,  reigning in victory. And as we continue to believe in him, we're positioned to experience the reality of this victory in him. Shalom.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Word of Grace-Let go, let God.

                                                       Let go, let God
                                        Gen1:31, Ps55:22, Prov16:3, 1Pt5:7                                               

If you let go of your worries, you let God takes care of them. Is there anything worth anxious for? The Bible urges us not to be anxious about anything. Our anxiousness is always for nothing because we can't better the situation on our own, but we complicate matters. Don't be anxious for anything for God always loves to take care of our problems so we stay rest assured.

God created man unto rest and refreshment. The man rested and refreshed with God on his first day.  No wonder when Adam realised his loneliness God had to put him to rest before he created Eve. The man rested while God worked on the woman.

Anytime God presented anything to the restful man, he responded with positive vibes, naming all creations. Just looked at how he responded for the first time he saw Eve. It was scintillating! It's my prayer that as you allow God to work on your issues you will experience supernatural vibes to respond in a scintillating manner to the glorious work of God in your life. Shalom.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...