Friday, 27 September 2019

Word of Grace- Believe right to have it right.

                                      Believe right to have it right.

                             Rom4:13, Phili4:13, Ps121:2, Mark1:15

In the new era, God is clear about how we'd receive his promises. Especially believers who are conscious of the fact that they belong to the seed line of Abraham. Its pays to be conscious of your standing in Christ. You're able to act in line if you're conscious so let cultivate that spiritual attitude of awareness.

Now in the natural, despite your hard work, you may still require helping hand to buttress your effort. But in Christ, our self-effort and other's help don't lead. We don't need to rely on them for it's written, our help comes from the Lord. We can do nothing if the Lord does not strengthen us.

Brethren, the promise that says Abraham and his seed would be the heir of the world was through relying on God, believing rightly in him. And what's right believing? That's believing Christ concerning his finished work. No matter your issue, as you believe right, you shall have it right in Jesus' name. Amen. Shalom.

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