Thursday, 12 September 2019

Word of Grace-Our build quality is super

                                                     Our build quality is super 

                                          Eph2:10, Ge1:26-28, Gal13:-15, 1John4:17

Let's us make man in our own image. In the likeness of God made the man. In the Tech or the automobile industry, the build or the make of a computer or a vehicle is crucial. The names of these renowned brands made by man are always mentioned for their build quality.

 How much more us who weren't built or made by any human? Our build or make is of God himself. We're of top-notch quality. There's no flaw in us. We're fearfully, wonderfully, lovely, richly and powerfully made.  Do not limit yourself for we're limitless because of Christ. Never get suppressed or frustrated but rather rise up to your build quality to maintain the status quo.

Brethren, God knew our worth so he offered himself on the line in the person of the son. Nothing could equal our worth. God made us even more expensive because he overpaid the ransom with Christ. Let's live as we're called for as he is so are we in this world. Shalom.               

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