Sunday, 17 April 2022

Word of Grace-Raised to life for our justification

Rom4:25, Rom5:1, Colo 2:14, Lev 3:16

All saw Jesus hanged on the cross. As he nailed all of our misdeeds to the cross,  the weight of every curse came upon him and there went up a sweet aroma to God,  receiving the most acceptable offering of all time.

When Jeaus was buried, all of our sins were buried with him, and he was raised to life without them. In the same way that Christ was delivered for our offenses, he was also raised to life for our justification. As a result, man now walk away freely having been justified by God._

And now I understand that Christ was raised from the dead for our justification and to restore our broken lives. So therefore we walk in Christ, knowing that we have been set free from sin because of his resurrection, and the result thereof are righteousness and holiness for you and I. Shlom.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Word of Grace-Forsaken for our sake

Matthew 27: 45-46, Psalm 22, Ephesians 1:6

The agony was so unbearable! Now the son in darkness cried out Eli Eli lama sabachani? Meaning My God, my God why have you forsaken me? Those were very sorrowful words as Jesus suffered physical and psychological pain as he was ridiculed amidst torture by those whom he was saving by his actions. But he focused on the deal at hand and that is laying the foundation of our salvation.

Now to forsake is to turn away, withdraw or seize from pursuing something. But why would God do that to his own son? As we human wouldnt even do that to our own children. It was strange to see that the source of all love turns away from his own son.  But it was necessary because in doing that the fullness of God’s love for humanity was realized. This tells us how much God values us.

Brethren, the day Christ was crucified meant a lot to us.  It should also be a happy day for those who are looking forward to God's salvation. God, in accordance with his justice, protects this salvation. That is in the aftermath of Jesus' condemnation, we were found not guilty.  He became forsaken so we could be accepted in the beloved. Halleluyah!

Friday, 25 March 2022

Word of Grace-Experience the God kind of life

2Cor 11:24, Isa 53:4, Heb 7:28

Jesus was flogged multiple times with a tool known as  Flagrum by the Roman soldiers. This torturing instrument was equipped with sharp bones and iron that ripped the flesh of their victims. That tool ripped off the flesh of Jesus several times, leaving severe wounds and scars on his body. According to the Bible, the scars healed all ailments and disorders. This also suggest that the payment for our sins was not a partial payment. It was, in fact, paid once for all time, with a receipt proving full payment as our healing was found on the receipt with the evidence of torture.

The stripes of Jesus settled the issue of cancer, HIV, strokes, high blood pressure, and any other sickness you can think of.  As a result of his stripes, we are healed as Jesus took our sicknesses and afflictions and placed them upon himself. It is written, he has indeed borne and carried our pain

Brethren, we are destined to live a God-like life, which is why Jesus had to go through all of those ordeals in order to restore us  into shalom. This Shalom also refers to wholeness, which comes through experiencing Zoe, the God kind of  life. May the God kind of life be your whole life . Amen. 

Note: Postered on 24th March, 2022

Monday, 21 March 2022

Word of Grace-Enjoy prosperity with good health

3 John 1:2, Isaiah 53:5

We are optimistic about the posibility of our success in the foreseeable future because we are spiritually affluent  even now.  And this is why Jesus became poor so we could become wealthy.

The bible also tells us that it is the will of God that we remain healthy. So, if you're fighting any sickness remember the Lord says it's well with your soul, even as you learn to confess that you're well in the name of Jesus.  Jesus came for the same reason to be pierced on the side and by those stripes on him we are healed. Halleluyah!

So it is our desire that you prosper and be in good health above everything else, just as your soul prospers. Let us therefore feed on the spirit, which is also God's gift, and the riches of the spirit will permeate our souls, and we will be prosperous and  healthy. Halleluyah!!

Friday, 18 March 2022

Word of Grace-In weakness, find strength in Christ

Ps73:26, Deut 31:8; Joshua 1:5, Matt 11:30, 28:20,  John 14:6

Weakness is an avenue for God to work merciful in our lives. So do not despair when you feel weak in certain areas of life. Rather glorify God and remain hopeful just as Paul did. Jesus can relate  and remains the only one who can rebuke our feebleness to give us the strength we ever needed.

You may have experience, persection and troubles here and there. And wish they are taken away from you. Pual said they were like thorns in his  flesh sent by the messenger of satan. In this era there are so many messengers of satan that seek to get us fall short of the glory. But the Lord says do not worry for you have the sufficiency of my grace. Halleluyah. This is our hope because his grace is always made perfert in weakness as we cast them on him

Such a comforting promise from our Lord; I will be with you till the end of age, let the weak say I'm strong. We can be confident of these because He is the truth and the faithful one.  He will not leave us nor forsake us even as  we turn to Him for strength. Stay strong in Christ. and be blessed! Amen.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Word of Grace-Make me into a new wine

John 2:5-10

Now we focus on the wine maker who is Christ. Remember at the wedding after all the wine had finished, Mary the mother of Jesus told them to listen and do whatever Jesus tells them. And Jesus did a miracle that erupted sweetness. The master of the banquet questioned the groom why was the best and expensive wine kept till now after we have been exhausted with the less expensive wine.  Halleluyah!

Brethren, we are found in the picture. As a new wine we will look favourable and so sweet. Anything we touch shall bring fruitfulness. Our lives as believers will attracts sweetness and love from all angles because we now walk in power and in miracles. People will ask where have you been all this while even though you had been around. When the Lord breath into our lives, we can not remain the same.

As we sojourn the land today, this is our prayer, oh Lord breed a new wine out of us so we can be a solution to every question life may bring. For as a new wine we are made anew to break new grounds even in the midst of hardship because we have been empowered to excel.  Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Word of Grace-The effect of the love of God.

John 19: 25-27, Ps91:16, 1John 4:7-11

Apart from being protected at the secret place, we also learned that if we acknowledge and love the Lord, he will satisfy us with  long life. Our ability to love the Lord now comes as we consent to his love. We in turn receive the desire to love him. So we love the Lord because we have experienced the power of his love.

 Now John, who was known in Hebrew as Yohanan, meaning "God has been gracious," referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved in his own epistle on several occasions. Now, being conscious that you are loved is crucial because it allows you to easily take up the mantle of caring for others. This was evident when, on the cross, Jesus said to the disciple whom Jesus loved, "behold your mother," Mother behold your son.  And he took her home to cater for her.

May we experience the power of God's love today even as we desire to be there for our families, loved ones, and friends, and may we be able to relate so effectively to accomplish the good we aim to demonstrate according to how we have been loved. Amen.🙏_

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...