Sunday, 30 August 2020

Glorious Worship-Grace saves us to keep us.

Eph 1:5-6, 2Cor 9:8, Jer 31:3, 1Joh 4:10.

God pursues the bankrupt man all for the sake of love. Even when our sins were great, he showed us greater love through greater grace. This kind of love is necessary so we don't struggle with guilt in case we mess up. For this reason we are incited by such a beautiful love with the joy of the Lord as we avail ourselves for the wonderful intimacy with the spirit, to abound in every good work.

There is great joy that comes from accepting the grace of God. For he is full of good news that saves us to bring us to the King. Keep us for the return of the King,  accepts, bless and keeps us closer for an intimate relationship with the Father. Hallelujah!.

Grace ensures that our  predestination for adoption as children through Christ, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of his glorious grace, which he freely bestows on us in the beloved becomes reality in the life of the believer. Shalom

Sunday, 23 August 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Free from sin, shame, fear and condemnation.

Romans 8:1, Ephesians 1:7, John 8:36.

There is good news for all who are in Christ. The case which pended for so many centuries is now done and settled. The case is closed! We are free from sin, shame, fear and condemnation.

The bible says there’s now no accusing voice set up against us for we are joined in life with  Christ. To God be the glory for providing the avenue to set up our minds to be fixed on Christ. Therefore our union with Christ, presents us the treasures of redemption through his blood which adequately render us faultless in accordance with the riches of his great grace. Hallelujah!

Brethren, we have every reason to believe that we are free from sin, shame, fear and condemnation because whom the son set free, is free indeed. We have become unquestionably, true sons and daughters of the glorious Jesus. So let live as such to the praise of his glorious grace. Shalom!

Sunday, 16 August 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Christ presents us as joint-heirs

Romans8:15-17 Hebrews7:25

Our situation is so beautiful and heartwarming for never in our history has it happened that someone dies and left inheritance and same person returns as an advocate to ensure the inheritance is duly given to the recipient. That's what Christ dose for us. Hallelujah!

Christ's death means believers would become coheirs, as he lives forever on the right hand of the Father, interceding and through the holy spirit, teaching us into all truths concerning our heritage as children of God and for that matter coheirs with him.

Brethren, Christ died so that believers could have the opportunity to become joint-heirs with him. Believe that the one who intercedes for us is the eternal High Priest. Trust that you are who he says you are in him. Have the mindset of being a coheir with Christ, for you are made glorious in him. Shalom

Monday, 10 August 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Embrace Christ, the wisdom of God.

John 1:1, 1Cor1:30, 2Chr1:1, 10, Gen39

The word existed even before the beginning. And the word was with God. And the word was Christ who is now made known to us the wisdom of God. Solomon actually asked for Christ when he asked for wisdom. Thereafter he gained inner consciousness and he never did any exploit without perceiving through the spirit. And Solomon was a prosperous King for the Lord was with him.

And the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man too. Joseph was inwardly conscious of the spirit. That was the source of his wisdom. He became so wise that he could discern and interpret mysteries. His divine prudent measures  spared Egypt of hunger when famine hit the land. He was full of the wisdom of God for the Lord was with him. And this resulted in abundance of food all over.

Christ is made unto us wisdom, so as we step out this day, let embrace him with sense of belonging to walk in greater measure of wisdom and inner consciousness, to do even greater exploits in our Christian life.. Shalom.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

WORD OF GRACE-The righteous has peace with God

Psalm145:8, Romans 5:1, 1Timothy2:6, Ephesians 3:12, Hebrews4:16

Those who are in unison with Christ are at peace with God. Christ remains the only ransom offered for sin, once for all. This accounts for our right stance with God. Therefore Christ becomes the only ''why'' you and I enjoy the friendship of God. Hallelujah!

Because of Christ we can confidently come to the Father believing our sins are undone. This confirms us as the righteousness of God in Christ, instead of an enemy of God. Hallelujah!

Now we are free at last for Christ offered himself as ransom in light of his greater grace. Now we have access to God and this access allows us to receive more of Jesus who eventually reconciles us with God. Shalom._

Sunday, 26 July 2020

WORD OF GRACE-We need you more, holy spirit

2Cor3:18, Phili 2:13, Ex33:5

Our quest to have a successful journey of life rests on the sole architect of the holy spirit. Nothing significant is possible in our lives without the direction of the holy spirit. Because the helper enables us to possibly produce good deeds. He is the one who works in us to make us the delight of the father. This means every right thing we do happens as a result of the power of the holy spirit.

Are we restless and going through trying moments, leading us to lose hope in God our Father? Look, God is our Lord and Father, who makes sure that we have enough even to spare through the work of the spirit. Anytime we ask for more of the spirit we ask for more enablement, we ask for more power to take charge in every territory we find ourselves.

Brethren, It gladdens the Father's heart whenever we ask for more of him and his presence to go with us because he always wants to be the anchor of our lives. Shalom.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

WORD OF WORD-We are born of the spirit

Jer31:33-34, Heb10:15-17, John16:8, Gal4:30

Having surrendered to Christ, having given it all to live for Christ and most of all accepting Christ as Lord and personal saviour, result in spiritual birth. This birth comes with lots of benefits. These benefits are designed to better our lives in the long run as the holy spirit influences our movements from grace to grace and victory unto victory.

He who is born of the spirit have moved from the position of doubt to full assurance of salvation. This is so true because the spirit teaches us into all truth and convicts us of righteousness. This is in line with what is written;  we shall know God and have him as our God and also be to him  as his people. He covers our sins with no remembrance.

Live according to your make, the spirit, not like a bondservant, the flesh. For  as a new creation you're born of the spirit and you belong to the new covenant. Shalom.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...