Sunday, 19 July 2020

WORD OF WORD-We are born of the spirit

Jer31:33-34, Heb10:15-17, John16:8, Gal4:30

Having surrendered to Christ, having given it all to live for Christ and most of all accepting Christ as Lord and personal saviour, result in spiritual birth. This birth comes with lots of benefits. These benefits are designed to better our lives in the long run as the holy spirit influences our movements from grace to grace and victory unto victory.

He who is born of the spirit have moved from the position of doubt to full assurance of salvation. This is so true because the spirit teaches us into all truth and convicts us of righteousness. This is in line with what is written;  we shall know God and have him as our God and also be to him  as his people. He covers our sins with no remembrance.

Live according to your make, the spirit, not like a bondservant, the flesh. For  as a new creation you're born of the spirit and you belong to the new covenant. Shalom.

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