Sunday, 24 May 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Alarmed? Seek the face of the Lord

2Chronicels 20:1-15, Proverbs 3:25-26

What do we do when all of a sudden we receive bad report? When something that you have been waiting for turns out to alarm you? Well God always shows us the right way to react in sudden crises. And that's don't be afraid only believe and find confidence in him.

Dont fear any sudden terror for the Lord is your confidence. Praise God in the face of trouble for it's a sign of faith and total trust. Jehosaphat praised God even in these state with the convenant of God in mind. He said oh Lord our eyes are on you in our distress

God relayed his assurance to Jahaziel for the people of Israel, saying, do not be afraid nor be discouraged because of this crises. For the battle belong to God. Stand firm in him and you will see the salvation of God. Shalom.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

WORDS OF GRACE-Believe that God is well pleased in you

Heb 11:6, Matt3:17, Luk9:34-35

We believe and so we are convinced God loves us. When we believe in his love we are positioned to possess it.The Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God. Just as Jesus pleased God and he declared his love for him on serveral occasions, even so he is pleased with us through Christ himself.

Through Christ, God constantly declares his love for us so be convinced of his loves. Just take a look, God sacrificed him, the only son whom he chose over Moses and Elijah, to undo our sins. He allowed him to be crushed for our sake. His love for us is indeed limitless.

The love of God is real and it's exist independent of our beliefs. We rather do ourselves a lot of good when we believe what God has in store for us. We put ourselves in fine position to access this wonderful love. Shalom.

Friday, 15 May 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Grace edifies and fortifies us

Eph4:29, Joh4:18

When you are stuck in between victory and defeat, speak words of grace to the situation. Grace produces that enablement needed to boost your hope in Christ for every anticipated Victory.

Whatever proceed out of your mouth, suggest whether you are poised for victory or not. Any talk that dose not seek our edification is unwholesome and must not be encouraged. In other words in times of hardship what you and I need is words of edification and fortification and that's is the grace of God.

In times of uncertainty, we can still be positive minded. Mindful of his perfect love for us even in the midst of crises. For this we will have no fear but instead be in good position, knowing that Christ is in us, and to that effect we can confidently expect the glorious glory of God. Hallelujah!

Sunday, 10 May 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Honouring our mothers.

Isaiah 49:15, Prov31:31, Ps139:13

Right from the beginning you offered your womb for my inward parts to be formed in. No matter how uncomfortable you felt, you contained me in there. When the going gets tough, no matter the magnitude of the situation she rises up to the situation and rescue all.

You're always left behind to nuture the new born while we look the other way. Indeed you have always been there timely. Your effort is been crucial in ensuring a brighter future for the young. Such an awesome care, non can be compared to the love you demonstrate to all.

Because you never purpose in your heart to let go of us, we will rise and heap blessings over your life. Blessed are you among all. For your toil God will double replenish and situate you on a solid rock. Blessed beyond every curse. From now on all manner of people will call you favoured. Happy mother's day to you. Shalom.

Friday, 8 May 2020

WORD OF GRACE-You're seated in him, fear no evil day.

Ps9:1, 23:2, Isa61:7,1Pet3:10

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most abides under shadow of the Almighty. Evil day may come, but those who receive life in abundance shall see good days. Hallelujah!

The evil day may last but a moment. It may even multiply but remember the bible says for your sorrow you shall receive double portion. Yes it is because when you sit and rest in him, you abide under his shadow. And whoever abide under his shadow, dwell in green pastures.You will be led by the still waters.

Brethren, we who love the life will surely see good days. So fear not for these evil days are numbered. They are just like the Egyptians, very soon we shall see them no more all for the sake of the revelation of the salvation of God to his children. hallelujah

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Let faith leads your good works

Rom5:1-5, 8:4, Heb4:3

We are declared righteous first by faith. And that aid us to have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Whoever is led by faith obtain access to dwell in the grace of God. When we stand in grace we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. It doesn't end there, we even receive empowerment to rejoice as we go through afflictions.

So it's by grace through faith that we become fully aware of the fact that the  afflictions we go through produces the ability to endure pain in us and that endurance try and test our attitude which is finally tied to hope, giving us an attitude of hope! hallelujah!

When faith leads your good works, you don't struggles to do so because grace always supplies. So the bible says, the requirements of the law is fullfilled in us. As you believe this, you will not struggle, because those who believe enter the realm of God's rest. Shalom!

Sunday, 26 April 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Jesus, the giver of a brand new start.

2Corinthians 5:17, Isaiah 43:19

You have attempted serveral times to pickup the shattered life and correct things but to no avail. Life is getting more complicated. This even makes the future look so bleak for you. And all you wish is a new life but don't know how? This is the time! A moment meant to be the beginning of a new life, when Jesus resurrected.

Jesus came so that we wouldn't have to pick up the pieces ourselves but offer him our fragmented lives and the bleak future. It is written, whoever is in Christ is a new being.The old life matters no more.

Brethren, rejoice for today is the beginning of  that new dawn you have been dreaming. It is the day that Christ has made all things new. The old is past behold there's a new wind blowing with a refreshing life. Grab it and make it yours. Shalom!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...