Sunday, 10 May 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Honouring our mothers.

Isaiah 49:15, Prov31:31, Ps139:13

Right from the beginning you offered your womb for my inward parts to be formed in. No matter how uncomfortable you felt, you contained me in there. When the going gets tough, no matter the magnitude of the situation she rises up to the situation and rescue all.

You're always left behind to nuture the new born while we look the other way. Indeed you have always been there timely. Your effort is been crucial in ensuring a brighter future for the young. Such an awesome care, non can be compared to the love you demonstrate to all.

Because you never purpose in your heart to let go of us, we will rise and heap blessings over your life. Blessed are you among all. For your toil God will double replenish and situate you on a solid rock. Blessed beyond every curse. From now on all manner of people will call you favoured. Happy mother's day to you. Shalom.

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