Romans8:15-17 Hebrews7:25
Our situation is so beautiful and heartwarming for never in our history has it happened that someone dies and left inheritance and same person returns as an advocate to ensure the inheritance is duly given to the recipient. That's what Christ dose for us. Hallelujah!
Christ's death means believers would become coheirs, as he lives forever on the right hand of the Father, interceding and through the holy spirit, teaching us into all truths concerning our heritage as children of God and for that matter coheirs with him.
Brethren, Christ died so that believers could have the opportunity to become joint-heirs with him. Believe that the one who intercedes for us is the eternal High Priest. Trust that you are who he says you are in him. Have the mindset of being a coheir with Christ, for you are made glorious in him. Shalom