Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Word of Grace-Jesus is lifted up look unto him

                                  Jesus is lifted up, look up unto him.

                                John 3:14-15, Numbers 21:4-9, John 12:21

Jesus referred himself as the picture of the snake that Moses lifted up in the wilderness. The Israelites were tormented by fiery serpent after they had despised God. But God heard their cry for forgiveness, and he asked Moses to erect a pole and hanged a bronze of snake on it so that whoever looks up to the lifted up serpent on the pole shall be healed. And truly whoever looked up got healed.

Jesus said to Nicodemus, Just as those who looked in faith to the lifted up serpent were healed, even so those who look in faith to the lifted up Jesus shall have eternal life.

Brethren, wherever we look up to Jesus we receive forgiveness of sin and healing in every area of our lives. Whoever looks unto Jesus have the sense of "I'm forgiven, I'm  healed, I'm strong and I'm a child of God. The son of man is been lifted up on the cross, whoever choose to look unto him shall receive his glory to live life in abundance all to his glorious praise. Shalom.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Word of Grace

Word of Grace-Choose to look unto Jesus

                                      Choose to look unto Jesus

                          Heb 12:2, Col 1:17, Isa 61:7 1Cor15:57, 2Cor2:14

Choosing to look unto to Jesus is a conscious effort made to personalize the finished work of our Lord and saviour Jesus.  In good days, choose to see Jesus and you would experience even much better days. In bad times still choose to see Jesus and you would experience the joy of the Lord which indeed is the strength of all who trusts in him.

As you look unto Jesus, you open up to receive hope. Whenever you choose to see Jesus you open up to receive victory. Jesus is the hope to the hopeless and victory to the vanquished. Whenever you look unto Jesus you place your days in his care. You are saying Lord, I can't handle the life you gave me but you oh Lord in you everything hold together, so hold my life.

Brethren, as we see Christ, no matter the situation, we'll get to the point where we'd strongly believe that  there's no impossibilities in our lives, for Jesus is always in our midst empowering us to get to enjoy all the inheritance he left for us. Shalom.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Word of Grace- There's beauty ahead of your ashes.

                                               There's beauty ahead of your ashes.

                                              Isa 61:1-3, Rom 2:4,1Pet 1:3-9, Jere 31:3

In trials, lots of thoughts come into our minds. We turn  to believe that it is our sins and that God will smile on us no more. Such thoughts rob us of our hope in Christ. But then when we fall, it doesn't end there, God's grace gets us up on our feet. We may fall but it doesn't change the fact that God loves us. God still shows us love even in our mess as his goodness leads us to repentance according to his word.

When Israel was in distress, even though Isaiah pointed out to let them know that their sins had left them in that state, he went on to say that a day of favour beckons. God is merciful and his anger doesn't last forever. His mercy would locate Israel again as they look forward to the goodness of God in their captivity.

However your situation is, there is rest for you. Be hopeful, now is the hour the Lord shall bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes, instead of grief you shall be filled with oil of joy. Despair no more for you shall be clothed in songs of praise.  You shall be called the tree of righteousness, planted to reveal the glorious splendor of God.  Shalom!

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Word Of Grace- The Power of Christ revealed in the Garden of Gethsemane Part2

                      The Power of Christ revealed in the Garden of Gethsemane Part2

                               Matt 26:51-53, 1Chro 27:1-15, Heb 12:2, Isa 37:36

The truth still remains, Jesus reigns in power and by his might all things hold together. He's great and mighty, miracle worker, with wealth and fame. But have you even thought of how powerful he could have been on that night? Jesus  said, "I can call on my Father and he will send me more than 12 legions of angel to come to my aid".

According to David in 1Chronicles, one legion of army is 24000 soldiers. Now 24000 x 12 legions gives us 288000 angels. Also according to Isaiah, one angel can accounts for 185,000 people. So if we multiple 185000 by 288000 you have 53 billion and more! The world population is around 7.7Billion. These angels alone could even destroy today's world totally.

Jesus could have called for this powerful force from above to unleash fierce destruction on the entire roman army. But he chose to remained silent as he focused on the joy that was set before him. He loved us so much that he abandoned his strength for our weakness so we could live forever This is Jesus, the all powerful! Shalom.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Word Of Grace-The power of Christ revealed in the Garden of Gethsemane Part1.

                             The power of Christ revealed in the Garden of Gethsemane Part1.

                     Matthew 26:51-53, 28:17-18, 1Pet 5:8,9, Ex 15:2-4, Rev 5:5

After his resurrection, the glorious Jesus received all authority. He told his disciples, my Father has given me all authority. This tells us that, there's no power left for the devil. The bible records, the devil goes round roaring like a lion, but he's not. The real lion is the glorious Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He's the Lord of Host.

Also Jesus as a man had immense power that could have resisted his arrest on that night in the garden of Gethsemane. The 12 Legions of Angels that he talked about could over power even this world totally. But he chose to remained silent for our sake. His purpose was not  to wage war but to save the world through his death. When one of the disciples tried to resist his arrest, he said if I needed any help I could have asked my Father to give me more than 12 Legions of Angels to come to my rescue.

The power of Jesus can't be denied. As we identify ourselves with him we will also be empowered. He gives us enough security. Our God is trustworthy for he is mighty in power. Shalom!

Monday, 22 July 2019

Word of Grace-Receiving the fullness of Christ

                                        Receive the fullness of Christ

                          John 1:3, 16, Eph 1:23, colosians 1:16, Acts 6:8

The word of God, Jesus is the gracious redeemer! By the word everything came into being. There's absolute nothing that was created without him. He is the one who holds everything together.  Through him grace and truth came so that whoever receives him shall have his life in full.

God wants us to live gracefully. When we see Christ in every situation we experience these divine graces; grace upon grace, grace behind the grace, grace after grace, grace to grace and  grace from grace. What this means is that you will experience undeserved and unmerited favours,  uncommon goodness and unusual kindness when you're Christ conscious.

But I depended on the grace of God but to no avail? Brethren, God's time is the best. My joy is found in knowing that in the fullness of time, God sent his son to  redeemed us from bondage. As you receive the fullness if Christ, very soon you shall experience total redemption from any bondage. Your breakthrough is just around the corner so stay faithfully in the grace. Shalom.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...