Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Word of Grace-Choose to look unto Jesus

                                      Choose to look unto Jesus

                          Heb 12:2, Col 1:17, Isa 61:7 1Cor15:57, 2Cor2:14

Choosing to look unto to Jesus is a conscious effort made to personalize the finished work of our Lord and saviour Jesus.  In good days, choose to see Jesus and you would experience even much better days. In bad times still choose to see Jesus and you would experience the joy of the Lord which indeed is the strength of all who trusts in him.

As you look unto Jesus, you open up to receive hope. Whenever you choose to see Jesus you open up to receive victory. Jesus is the hope to the hopeless and victory to the vanquished. Whenever you look unto Jesus you place your days in his care. You are saying Lord, I can't handle the life you gave me but you oh Lord in you everything hold together, so hold my life.

Brethren, as we see Christ, no matter the situation, we'll get to the point where we'd strongly believe that  there's no impossibilities in our lives, for Jesus is always in our midst empowering us to get to enjoy all the inheritance he left for us. Shalom.

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