Sunday, 22 August 2021

Word of Grace-Jesus is our Pillar of cloud and fire.

Ex 13:21, Deut 8:4, Ps 105:39.

The scripture says the Israelites were led by the Lord in the form of pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. The cloud and the fire led them so they could travel day and night. Yes indeed the cloud and the fire shielded them all and day all night.

In all those years in the wilderness, their clothes never waxed old, their sandals never worn out, their feet never swell because they had the presence of the Lord. If Christ is at the centre you will never wax old nor wear out. You always look refreshed even in the midst of  hard times.

Jesus was the pillar of cloud and fire, that led the Israelites through the wilderness. Now this same presence dwells in us to give us warm and cool embrace especially in hard times. Shalom!

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