Sunday, 22 August 2021

Word of Grace-Jesus is our Pillar of cloud and fire.

Ex 13:21, Deut 8:4, Ps 105:39.

The scripture says the Israelites were led by the Lord in the form of pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. The cloud and the fire led them so they could travel day and night. Yes indeed the cloud and the fire shielded them all and day all night.

In all those years in the wilderness, their clothes never waxed old, their sandals never worn out, their feet never swell because they had the presence of the Lord. If Christ is at the centre you will never wax old nor wear out. You always look refreshed even in the midst of  hard times.

Jesus was the pillar of cloud and fire, that led the Israelites through the wilderness. Now this same presence dwells in us to give us warm and cool embrace especially in hard times. Shalom!

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Word of Grace-Encircled by the Father's love

Romans 5:5, 8:38-39, John 3:16.

If we know and believe in the love of God for us, we will never have any destiny crisis. Whenever the devil deals with us, he doesn't wants us to have the sense of God's love,  so he avoids addressing us as such to rid us of our protection.

But as we live in remembrance of who we are, we'll not fall into his trap. We're sealed in the father's love and remain hidden in the beloved.

Brethren, after accepting Christ, God confirms, he is pleased with us. This is a huge protection and it got the devil crazy! Now he has no authority over us anymore because the love of God surrounds us in the beloved. Shalom!

Friday, 6 August 2021

Words of Grace-He saves to the uttermost.

Heb 7:25, 10:12,14,17.

Jesus Christ still remains 100% Saviour because he saves to the uttermost. He saves to the uttermost because he lives to intercede for us. After saving us Jesus Christ goes the extra mile to ensure the security of our salvation. Hallelujah!

He died for the payment of    sin and resurrected for our justification. So we say, all for the sinner the saviour came. His sole ambition was to offer once for all time salvation to mankind.

John 3:16 still holds for us in this era of grace; if we believe in the Son, we'll not perish but enjoy 100% salvation. This is hope for us in this life and most importantly after death. Get saved! Shalom!

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Word of Grace-Christ, our source of holiness.

Exo 13:2, Luk5:8-10, Heb4:16, 1Joh4:17.

The dedication of the baby Jesus takes us back to the ancient days where in Exodus all first born were made to be presented unto God for a holy offering. Right from the beginning Jesus was declared holy, fulfilling the prophetic consecration.

"I'm unclean depart from me" This was the response anytime there was a divine encounter with the people of old. But now we are made holy through faith in Christ, thereby boosting our confidence to draw close to God just as he wishes.

It is written as he is so are we. Now if Christ is holy and in him we live and also have our being then we share in his holiness. So as he is holy so are we in this world. By this knowledge, we set ourselves up to offer them as a living sacrifice unto God. Hallelujah!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...