Sunday, 6 September 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Rest through faith.

Matth6:27, Luke12:25, Heb4:3-6, Eph3:12.

Your rest is coming receive it now!. Rest says I believe what Christ has done. Every believer knows that our starting point is where Jesus said, 'it is finished'. So as we live life through faith in accordance with this finished work of Christ; we enter the rest of God.

The rest of God is not necessary about an exact day, but it is putting the entirety of our trust and confidence in what Christ did to save us on cross.

Brethren, God always want us to break free from worries. So he says how many of us by worrying can even add an hour to his life. To worry is to labour in vain, but to believe in Christ is to experience rest and for that matter the promise of God. Shalom.

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