Sunday, 26 July 2020

WORD OF GRACE-We need you more, holy spirit

2Cor3:18, Phili 2:13, Ex33:5

Our quest to have a successful journey of life rests on the sole architect of the holy spirit. Nothing significant is possible in our lives without the direction of the holy spirit. Because the helper enables us to possibly produce good deeds. He is the one who works in us to make us the delight of the father. This means every right thing we do happens as a result of the power of the holy spirit.

Are we restless and going through trying moments, leading us to lose hope in God our Father? Look, God is our Lord and Father, who makes sure that we have enough even to spare through the work of the spirit. Anytime we ask for more of the spirit we ask for more enablement, we ask for more power to take charge in every territory we find ourselves.

Brethren, It gladdens the Father's heart whenever we ask for more of him and his presence to go with us because he always wants to be the anchor of our lives. Shalom.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

WORD OF WORD-We are born of the spirit

Jer31:33-34, Heb10:15-17, John16:8, Gal4:30

Having surrendered to Christ, having given it all to live for Christ and most of all accepting Christ as Lord and personal saviour, result in spiritual birth. This birth comes with lots of benefits. These benefits are designed to better our lives in the long run as the holy spirit influences our movements from grace to grace and victory unto victory.

He who is born of the spirit have moved from the position of doubt to full assurance of salvation. This is so true because the spirit teaches us into all truth and convicts us of righteousness. This is in line with what is written;  we shall know God and have him as our God and also be to him  as his people. He covers our sins with no remembrance.

Live according to your make, the spirit, not like a bondservant, the flesh. For  as a new creation you're born of the spirit and you belong to the new covenant. Shalom.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Talk about the love of God

John 4:7-10, 16:27, Gal6:14, Rom2:4, 5:5-8 

We can only share the love of God with others when we ourselves have experienced his love. If not there wouldn't be a desire to share because the love of God might not be in us.

The disciple whom Jesus loved was an example of one who as a result of being conscious of Jesus' love made over twenty five references to love in his writings. He boosted and was proud of Jesus' love for himself just as the word permits us to boast only in Christ alone. Whenever we do this God takes the glory.

I pray the grace of God leads us to become fully aware of the love poured in our hearts. As we become conscious of his love we can then extend to others for their benefits. By sharing, we cause them to  change for the better because  the goodness of God is intended to lead one to repentance. Shalom.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

WORD OF GRACE-Greater grace

John 1:16, Acts 4:33

In addition to the already given grace, we have received another grace out of his fullness. Now i see why the spirit of the Lord themed  this year as the year of pure grace. He knew what was ahead would take only his grace and nothing else for our survival.

You see the reason why you and I got to be hopeful is that God had prepared enough in advance for us this year. And that's out of his fullness the provision is made available for us. This is the essence of grace; Jesus got all our pieces together so we don't have to get them by ourselves.

Brethren, as our hearts remain wide open to the things of God, we become receptive to his grace. This keeps us going even when it feels like God is not near but deep down within we shall surely know that in times like this God carries us on his shoulders. So do not feel left alone for greater grace is upon you, giving you comfort and living hope even now. Shalom.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...