2Cor3:18, Phili 2:13, Ex33:5
Our quest to have a successful journey of life rests on the sole architect of the holy spirit. Nothing significant is possible in our lives without the direction of the holy spirit. Because the helper enables us to possibly produce good deeds. He is the one who works in us to make us the delight of the father. This means every right thing we do happens as a result of the power of the holy spirit.
Are we restless and going through trying moments, leading us to lose hope in God our Father? Look, God is our Lord and Father, who makes sure that we have enough even to spare through the work of the spirit. Anytime we ask for more of the spirit we ask for more enablement, we ask for more power to take charge in every territory we find ourselves.
Brethren, It gladdens the Father's heart whenever we ask for more of him and his presence to go with us because he always wants to be the anchor of our lives. Shalom.