Wednesday, 22 May 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-Christ, the initiator of our faith.

                               Christ, the initiator of our faith.

                                                                  Rom 4:13,25,  john 14:6, Heb 12:2

Having knowledge of the message of Christ concerning one's life, is a typical fertile soil for your faith to germinate and grow fruitfully. But without knowledge of the message of Christ, is the opposite. It is infertile soil for your faith not to germinate, and even if it dose, grows unfruitfully. Faith works through grace, and that is faith built on the knowledge of the provisions that grace has made available for us.

The promise of God in Christ, erupt our faith to give us hope, that in Christ we shall be the heir of the world. But this beautiful promise is only for the righteous ones. Meaning you can't have these blessings without being righteous in the sight of God. It is written, seek God's righteousness and all these blessings shall be added unto you.

Now his righteousness comes to us as a gift and not as a reward. As we believe in Jesus, God credits our accounts with his righteousness. Bible says, Jesus died for our sins and raised to life for our justification. If you believe then you have sought for his righteousness. So get ready to experience the total blessings of God.

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