Thursday, 30 May 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-Pre-adopted to be Own in Christ.

                                 Pre adopted to be God's Own
                                                 in Christ.

                                  2Cor 5:21, Eph 1:4, 9, 13-14.

God in his infinite wisdom chose us for himself as holy, blameless and acceptable. This was a mystery, which even the Patriarch couldn't unraveled. But now its been revealed to us in Christ. That's why we who are found in Christ are so much privilege and the need for us to be forever grateful to God. Isaiah and others would have bless the very moment they saw the glory of God, had they had the preview of this reality.

Now for Christ's sake,  we who are being sanctified, whenever we encounter God in his Holiness, we don't bow and say woe is me! Or I'm ruined! But rather we bow in humble adoration and in
worship in the beauty of his Holiness. Knowing God delightful pre adopted us for sonship in Christ, even before the laying out of the foundation of the earth. Hallelujah!

Monday, 27 May 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-Jesus presents us acceptable

                            Jesus presents us acceptable in 
                                          the sight of God. 
                                Isaiah 6:1-7, 43:4-5, 64:6
                                  2Cor 5:17, 1John 3:1

Isaiah, having realized he didn't possessed the required righteousness to stand before God, he cried, 'woe is me! This is so true because the Holiness of God will always reveal the  sinfulness of every man no matter how moral you are, for it is recorded, our righteousness is like a filthy rag in the sight of God. It will always takes Christ to stand blameless in the sight of God.

Isaiah was made the righteousness of God, when  the angel touched his lips with the coal from the alter. This is the same alter, that Christ was sacrificed for the sins of the world. Therefore anyone who realizes he's a sinner and accepts Christ as Lord and saviour, that person is made right with God.

 Now if any man be in Christ, he's been made new and stand forgiven and righteous in the sight of God. As we've been set free, we're  encouraged to live under the sense of God's love. It is the love of God that draws us close to his holy presence to receive mercy and grace to live victoriously in all areas of our lives. Shalom.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-Clothed with God's righteousness in Christ.

                   Clothed with God's  righteousness in Christ.
                 Isaiah 6:5, 64:6, Heb 4:16, Rom 5:21, 2Cor 3:18.

In the year that King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord in His glorious glory. He cried out; Woe is me! I'm undone! Isaiah, knew that his righteousness wasn't enough to behold the thrice Holy God in His glory. This is so true, no amount of self righteousness can match up with the standard of God.

But you and I have been privileged, grace is poured out for us all who believe. We have been encouraged to come before the glorious throne just as we are to obtain mercy to help us in our needful situation.

Brethren, we are not to see things like how Isaiah saw,  for we are the righteousness of God through Christ, by who's stripes we are healed. Anytime we behold the glory of God we are changed from glory unto glory. We are not to sense woe or damnation but rather we sense our transformation into his glorious image. Hallelujah!

Friday, 24 May 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-We reign with Christ

                                                    We reign with Christ
                                         2Cor 3:18, 10:5, Eph 6:16, Rev 1:6, Phili 1:21

As we bring every thought to the obedience of Christ, we tear off everything that prevent us from knowing him and his goodness towards us. We're made kings and priests to take hold and dominate every circumstances. That is when things seems to sway against us, by faith we quench the fiery darts of the lair, as we confess Jesus.

Choose to fix your gaze on Christ, for the Bible says we are changed from glory to glory by beholding him. As we consciously look up to him, knowing that Christ in us, the hope of glory, we receive power to function.

As we to choose hook up and reign with Christ, our addictions, sicknesses, weakness, failures, troubles, poverty and our sins don't reign anymore, for the life of Christ has become our portion, in that as he is so are we in this world. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-Christ, the initiator of our faith.

                               Christ, the initiator of our faith.

                                                                  Rom 4:13,25,  john 14:6, Heb 12:2

Having knowledge of the message of Christ concerning one's life, is a typical fertile soil for your faith to germinate and grow fruitfully. But without knowledge of the message of Christ, is the opposite. It is infertile soil for your faith not to germinate, and even if it dose, grows unfruitfully. Faith works through grace, and that is faith built on the knowledge of the provisions that grace has made available for us.

The promise of God in Christ, erupt our faith to give us hope, that in Christ we shall be the heir of the world. But this beautiful promise is only for the righteous ones. Meaning you can't have these blessings without being righteous in the sight of God. It is written, seek God's righteousness and all these blessings shall be added unto you.

Now his righteousness comes to us as a gift and not as a reward. As we believe in Jesus, God credits our accounts with his righteousness. Bible says, Jesus died for our sins and raised to life for our justification. If you believe then you have sought for his righteousness. So get ready to experience the total blessings of God.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...