Saturday, 31 August 2019

Word of Grace-Receive grace, receive the supply

                                                 Receive grace, receive the supply

                                            Phili4:18-19,Prov10:2, Ps68:19, Deu28

The unmerited favour of God always put us at the receiving end. Not demanding anything from us but rather more is added unto us to build us up so we could affect other lives effortlessly to the praise of his glorious grace. We are amply supplied and we have received more than enough. Our God supplies every need not according to our effort, but in accordance with his glorious riches.

Brethren, we are to remain on the grace ground, and that's focusing on the supply. As we do, we open up to spiritual graces as God splashes on us his good treasure in his season to bless us profusely, and to turn us into lenders instead of borrowers. Every need is freely supplied without painful toil. He loads us with his benefits through his gift of salvation.

Brethren, whenever or wherever the need is, receive divine supply as you faithfully focus on grace, the person of Jesus. Shalom!

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Word of Grace-Beautiful and Flawless

                                                Beautiful and flawless

                                               Eph2:10, 5:27, Songs4:7

Fractured as we were, Christ the gracious groom was laid to ransomed us from eternal damnation to present us as a beautiful bride with no dirt.

And also for love sake, Christ presents us as a masterpiece of God with no flaw and that's what we are in Christ. The Bible describes his love towards us as fair and comely, as he justified and redeemed us by his blood and empowered us in His righteousness.

Brethren, though our imperfect thoughts, words, and deeds, we have been made pure and now we manifest purified heart brewed by the gospel of Christ as he beautifies us with divine graces. May this be our joy that the love that beautifies, presents us as a spotless bride in the sight of God. And for that matter, we're beautiful and flawless. Hallelujah.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Word Of Grace- We have divine security in Christ.

                                       We have divine security in Christ.

                                                        Ps 91:16, 121:5

The protection that we enjoy, emanate from a greater source. It is not by experience, knowledge, carefulness or how well we manage our safety. But our security is found in his divine shield and covering. Before we think of our safety, God had already thought and provided. He knows our limit and capabilities. His protection encompasses all uncertainties.

Your self  effort to stay safe, has never been enough because someone's carelessness can mess you up in midst of your safety consciousness. But if you allow yourself to be protected by God, you will not suffer for someone's carelessness because God is aware of all unforeseen circumstances.

Brethren, it's always better to rely on the provisions of God in all matters especially this time of huge security concerns. This way, we won't  suffer for someone's error but we will see the goodness of God working for our good in all circumstances and situations both foreseen and unforeseen  to guarantee us adequate security at every point of our lives. Shalom.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Word of Grace-You have a sound mind

                                         You have a sound mind

                                          2Timothy 1:7, 1Cor2:16

Even in the midst of crisis, pressure, and stress,  we can still enjoy sound mind because the stillness of our mind does not base on the happenings around us but on what God has said about us.

Paul wrote this to Timothy during the era of Nero Caesar's persecution of the early Church. Timothy as a  leader then felt threatened so Paul wrote to him to strengthen him so he would not give in to the spirit of fear then.

Brethren, the devil always tries to set up confusion on the mind, whispering a lot of negative stuff into our thoughts that sometimes make us feel as if we are going crazy or losing our mind. When such a situation arises, subject it to the word of God for the word is shaper as it is written. As you do that the spirit of God will make your mind ever impregnable for the devil to break.  And if nothing at all, be reminded that we have the mind of Christ which is equal to victory. Shalom.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Word of Grace- Behold! Jesus at the centre.

                                              Behold! Jesus at the centre.

                           Joh20:19,26, Matt18:20, Zech2:5 Num21:9 Joh3:14-15.

Whenever Jesus is seen, lives are changed; the hopeless turns hopeful, powerless turns powerful, the discouraged is encouraged, the poor turns rich, the weak finds strength and above all the disgraced receive grace for a wonderful transforming life. Hallelujah.

Jesus at the centre gives us all these benefits. He loves to be there so that all eyes may see him and benefit. No Wonder the Bible says in him all things hold together and all things revolve around him.

So let's look up people of God, for Christ is lifted on the cross right at the centre of the two. The Bible says where two or three gathered, there he's in their midst. He's in your midst to deal with your fear just as he dealt with his disciples who were afraid of  the Jews. And as you picture him on the cross, just as the Israelites looked at the snake on the tree for their healing, even so shall you receive healing in every area of your life Amen.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Word of Grace-The spirit reveals the love of God in our hearts


                                   Rom5:5, Eph4:30, 2Cor13:14

As believers fellowship with the spirit is very crucial because it is Christ and through him that we enjoy love standing with God. So we've got the privilege to always come into his presence in confidence knowing that in his presence we are most welcomed and he delights in us too.

Often we redraw from God because we realize our unholiness instead of focusing on our love standing with him. Whenever we  realize we are unholy that's when we need the unmerited love of God. When we respond like this the spirit is kept alive in us to give us personal revelation of the love of God for our lives. But when the spirit is dormant in us there won't be any fellowship with the spirit.

We can revive our fellowship with the spirit by speaking undeserved words of love to  ourselves. As we do that the holy spirit who acts as a seal unto the day of our redemption and also as a mark that shows that we belong to God as sons and daughters will be kept alive in us. Shalom!.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...