Sunday, 30 June 2019

Words of Grace-You are the joy of the Lord

                                           You are the joy of the Lord. 

                                          Heb 12:2, 5, Nehemiah 8:10

For the joy that was set before him, Christ endured the cross with passion. This joy is not anything than the joy that God has when he beholds us. That's we who have been brought back to his bosom through the obedience of Christ.

This is our state now before God. We are the joy of the Lord. Don't be little yourself or think that  no one cares. Have the knowledge of how God treats you. The Bible says he treats us as sons. How are sons treated? God is King so we who are sons, are of royal lineage and we are treated with heavenly royalty.

God loves us too much because we are his delight. This is the  joy of the Lord. This joy becomes our strength when we know, accept and act upon it. Let learn to be conscious of his love for us and we would always find strength to move on when the going even get tough. Shalom!

Friday, 28 June 2019

Words of Grace- The Believer has rest in God through Christ

                    The Believer has rest in God through Christ

                             Ps 23:1-2, Sam 30:16, Heb 4:6-10.

Those who believe in God, are always led by the spirit of God. They fix their mind on Christ, so no matter how shaky the situation is they are never found wanting. These people have entered the rest of God.

The leading of the Lord is always to give us his rest so we may dwell at ease in his presence no matter the depth of our raging sea. The Bible says, God leads us by the still waters to gives us rest. When we have the rest of God, we seize from our works for his works to take effect in our lives.

*It is through faith that we enter into his rest. As you go about your business, believe in Christ to enter his rest. Even when the going get tough, be strengthened in the Lord and toughen your faith to remain resolute. For when we're at rest in Christ, his finished work takes effect in our lives and we achieve results accordingly in an effortless manner.. Amen.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Words of Grace-Every need is of us is supplied in Christ

                                 Every need is of us is supplied in Christ

                                   Ps 23:1, Philip 4:19 Gen 1:26-30

It has always been the will of God that every need of us be supplied. That's why he created everything man ever needed before he made him. From the beginning the supply is been available and they follow us. It is written, goodness and mercy shall pursue us. That's the will of God concerning our lives. God is very much aware of all our needs and he has met them all for us in Christ.

But when man fell out of glory and the favour of God, the situation turned the other way. Man would now have to chase the supply with self effort. Life without God's help is a terrible condition.

But glory to God,  because of Christ, we have been restored to our rightful place in the presence of God. We who are now found in Christ, the supply pursue us. Just as God finished everything before man was created, on the cross Jesus finished everything for us. Now have the assurance that as you have believed in Christ and have made him your Shepherd, you have eternal life with the supply of every need. Shalom

Friday, 21 June 2019

Words of Grace-Believe in Christ, even if it doesn't make sense.

                            Believe in Christ, even if it doesn't make sense.

                                                   John 20:19-29

After Jesus resurrected, he appeared to some of the believers including his disciples who had locked themselves in a room, all  for the fear of the Jews. But Jesus dealt with their fears and even the unbelief heart of Thomas. It was hard for Thomas to believe Jesus but he came to the level of Thomas and dealt with his unbelief heart.

Thomas wanted to see Jesus in person. See the scars, touch and feel him before he would believe. We can say, according to Thomas,  faith must be sensible, logic and evident based which isn't so.

To believe the works of someone you have not seen is not easy. Especially to die and resurrects after three days. it takes grace to believe. That's why Jesus pronounced blessings on those who did not witnessed his resurrection and still believe him. Brethren Jesus blessed you and I long before  according to his word, because we didn't witnessed and yet we believe. Today because of your absolute faith in Christ, you are much more blessed and his goodness follows you all your lifetime. Shalom.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...