Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Word of Grace-Jesus is ready and willing to heal us

Matthew 8:1-4, 1 John 1:19, Leviticus 13

Leprosy, a contagious disease that results in  serious illness. In society, you are unappreciated and unwelcome. Also considered unclean and unholy, making one a sinner who is forced to live outside the community because such sins are contagious. However, when the contagious sinner encountered the contagious righteousness, situation changed for the better. Hallelujah!

The leper was looking for a chance to meet with Jesus. He believed that Jesus could solve his problem, which had led to his isolation. As Jesus, the teacher, approached the mountainside, the leper ran  for an encounter with him. The leper believed Jesus could heal him, but he was not sure if Jesus would do so.

You may be experiencing issues here and there where family and friends appear to neglect you as a result of the negative effects of what you are going through. You may even think no one is ever  ready and willing to help you beacuse of the longevity of  the neglect. But fear not! Seek for the encounter that causes one to spread!

Now Today, if you will believe and seek an encounter with Christ, you will undoubtedly be set free because Christ is able and willing to heal us from all kinds of illnesses and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Word of GraceChrist lives on, hope is erupting

Gala 3:13, Ps119:81, 1Cor15:19, Matth12:21

We long to experience the hope of greatness. Hope that stems from ancient promises and extends to our era. The promise of God himself, ensuring total salvation from the curse of sin for both Jews and Gentiles.

As Gentiles, we had no hope of glory, but today our hearts yearn for his salvation because the conception and delivery  of Jesus initialized the mediation process of reunification with God.

So the  revelation of Christ as completely human among men gives hope to those who have no hope. Hope that is brimming with radiance. This is the glory in which we find our identity. In effect we can now rejoice because our identity, which  was lost, is now rediscovered in Christ, the  hope of the world Hallelujah!!!

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Word of Grace-The Revelation of the Salvation of the Lord.

Ps 32:1, Rom 4:7, Matth 1:21, 2:1-2, Joh8:56, 20:29

The name of Jesus is the most beautiful name that has ever existed. The name that has finally been revealed in our time. We are very fortunate to have come to believe in the one and only name that has more weight than any other name. Who wouldn't want to see Christ's day? Even Abraham was glad seeing Christ's day. Simeon could go in peace because he had witnessed the Lord's salvation. Hallelujah!

When they heard the news, the three wisemen followed the stars. This is so lovely because his name resounds beyond the stars  and causes an echo in the  heart of the wisemen as they proceed with Joy.

Brethren, King David spoke of the blessings that would come to those whose sins are covered because of Christ. Jesus also spoke about the blessedness of those who would not see him yet experience him through faith. The attributes  of Christ point to salvation. He bears   the name Jesus because he will save us from our sins. May the birth of Christ restore your hope for complete salvation in all areas of your life. Mery Christmas.

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Word of Grace-Be reconciled to God: You shall be saved by the life of Christ.

Heb 9:27, 2Corinthians 5:20, Romans 10:13, 1Peter 4:7

After death, there is no forgiveness. There's  no such thing as a second chance or a change of heart or mind after death. After death, the only thing that remains is  judgment. Is it not appointed for one to die and be judged afterwards?

So there's no time to waste. We implore you to reconcile with God through Christ, because the end is near. And as far as death is concerned, the end is also personal. The moment you seize to breath that's the end of your world. But if you breath now that is grace, the person whose birth we now celebrate. If you don't have Jesus,  call upon his name and you shall be saved.

Finally, let go of yourself in order to receive Christ, and you will find yourself in him. Make a conscious effort to know Christ, and you will end up emptying  yourself to be filled by him. This is our Saviour, who offers complete salvation. So surrender to know him, and his life will save you. God bless you.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Word of Grace-Remain reconciled to God, believer.2Corinthians 5:18-21, Romans

 5:8-11, John 15:4

If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you have been reconciled to God by virtue of the fact that in Christ our sins have been wiped out. The wiping out of our sins is the work of God through Christ, and not of us.

This is our victory, and all that remains is for us to consolidate it. What makes this even more lovely and magnificent is that the ability to  consolidate this victory that we have in Christ is only posible if we continue to abide in him.

Brethren, to live a divine life, you must reconcile to God. The birth of Christ initialises his great feat. As we commemorate the birth of the Saviour of  the world, let us make conscientious effort to live life reconciled to God and we will see his glory. Shalom!

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Word of Grace-Let the believer be still.

Isaiah 30:15, 46:10 Jeremaiah 31:2, John 19:30.

In stillness we discern the presence of Yaweh. In the silent space, knowledge of God as the creator and the possessor of the universe  emerges. So it's  written "Be still and know that I am God." In other words, we get to discern  and experience the supremacy of God, our Father, in quietness.

On the cross, everything we seek is fulfilled. All that is left for us to do is to receive. However, we can only hear and respond to the finished  work if we remain still in the Lord's presence, for it is there that we experience his strength, confidence and salvation.

Brethren, we hear an audible voice saying, "I have loved you with an everlasting love.  I have pulled you with my lovingkindness," in the midst of silence. So many of the answers we seek have been made available, but we do not have them because we do not remain silent long enough to discern his presence . So be encouraged to be still as often as possible in order to detect his presence. Shalom!

Monday, 13 December 2021

Word of Grace-In Christ, the battle is won

Matthew 8:2-3, 1Samuel 17;45-49, Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:37

David was sure of victory over the Philistines because of God. According to the story of the battle between him and Goliatt, he believed that the war was for Israel's God, the God who only  knows how to win. Hallelujah! He was also well aware of the covenant and the promises that had been made, and he put his faith in them entirely.

Battling leprosy for many years, resulting in total rejection,  the leper  eventually caught up with the Willing-Jesus, who instantly  restored his health. The leper was victorious over contagious diseases because of Christ. The battle is the Lord's, and we are grateful, knowing that in Christ we have victory in every area of our lives.   Hallelujah

Should we therefore sit and do nothing? No! David did something and so was the Leper; they both made themselves open for God to work in their lives. So, by faith, let us exert effort, believing that Jesus has already won the  victory for us even onto this day. Shalom!

Monday 13th December 2021

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...