Isaiah 30:15, 46:10 Jeremaiah 31:2, John 19:30.
In stillness we discern the presence of Yaweh. In the silent space, knowledge of God as the creator and the possessor of the universe emerges. So it's written "Be still and know that I am God." In other words, we get to discern and experience the supremacy of God, our Father, in quietness.
On the cross, everything we seek is fulfilled. All that is left for us to do is to receive. However, we can only hear and respond to the finished work if we remain still in the Lord's presence, for it is there that we experience his strength, confidence and salvation.
Brethren, we hear an audible voice saying, "I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have pulled you with my lovingkindness," in the midst of silence. So many of the answers we seek have been made available, but we do not have them because we do not remain silent long enough to discern his presence . So be encouraged to be still as often as possible in order to detect his presence. Shalom!