Friday, 7 May 2021

Word of Grace-Christ, the divine revelation for our benefit.

1Pt1:20, Col 1:16, Num 21:9.

Christ is all we ever needed. Prepared  long before creation that by him and through him, all things should be created. Christ is now revealed in the end time because of us.

Christ is been revealed for a purpose; to remain the only solution to all life's questions for those believe and seek him.

Brethren, in all situation let focus on Christ just as the Israelis beheld the serpent hanged on the pole for their healing, even so we stand to be healed and set free as we behold Christ who is now revealed for our benefit. Shalom.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Word of Grace-God turns all for our good.

Genesis 50:20.

It maybe a difficult season but find consolation in the word of God that says, they always meant evil for us but the Lord God turns all for our good. God has a purpose for all that you experiencing, no matter how difficult it may be. He will always be faithful to bring greater good.

What we shouldn't lose sight is God is always ahead, it is the devil who plays the catching up.The health problem you going through right now, 2000 thousand years ago God provided the solution in Christ.

So you see the devil is just playing a catch up. It is a lost battle for him. Whatever you going through right now receive divine strength to believe you are already healed and your faith in him will be fruitful. Shalom!.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Word of Grace-No more veil, behold his glory!!!

Corinthians 3:15-18.

Even till now whenever Moses(the law) is read, veil covers our hearts. But when we turn to the Lord, the veil is taken off. We are set free because of the presence of the Lord, for where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Those that have been set free by the spirit, have unveiled faces, beholding the beautiful glory of the Lord, and being transformed into His same image from one degree of glory to another glorious glory. Shalom.

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Word of Grace-His rest awaits us

Matthew 11:28, Corinthians 16:23.

And to the one who requires a new life. You have gone through all the hardships in this world and seems like you are dying, you are giving up. This morning the spirit of the Lord is calling you to come. He has an opened arms ready to  receive you.

Don't try it anymore for it doesn't worth it. There's  someone who is ready to hold you up to bring you to the place you have yearned  for so long.

Brethren come,  his arms are wide opened ready to receive you as a son. Come just as the prodigal son returned to the father when he realized his mistakes. The Father of all fathers wait on you to come and he will give you rest. Shalom.

Friday, 30 April 2021

Word of Grace-Sin and death has no hold on us.

Rom 6:14, 8:2, Jer31:34, Heb 10:17.

The Word says, sin has no hold us because grace holds us now. This is the spirit of God at work in you. For this reason not just that you won't sin, as a matter of truth, you can't sin because you're dead to sin and alive to righteousness hallelujah!.

Grace is the spirit of God which is Christ himself, the high priest who offered the sacrifice once for all time. So till now this statement of intent is still valid even in our time; their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Hallelujah!.

The more we consume this truth the more we receive the divine ability to live right. Shalom!

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Word of Grace-Raised to life with Christ, to have our being in him

Colossians 3:1, Romans 6:4-5, Acts17:28.

To have our being in Christ means we've been raised to life with Christ. To be raised to life with Christ, means we've died with him. To be dead with Christ means we've given ourselves away to Christ. We've gone through these processes to be hidden in Christ.

We are who we're today  by the virtue of the fact that Christ is been the sole architect of our total being. So for the devil to get us undone, he has to undo all that Christ on the cross which is impossible.

Brethren no matter the plots the devil would employ, he can't be successful in breaking us down because our foundation is Christ and his finished work. Shalom.

Friday, 23 April 2021

WORD OF GRACE.-The goodness of the Lord is scheduled to locate you.

Psalms 27:13.

Let your hope soar high, may your confidence be erupt, and may your fondness for God increase in the wake of the reading of his word. Confess that I'm totally confidence that while I'm alive on this land, surely I will see the goodness of the Lord. Hallelujah!

Brethren, have hope and confidence in Christ, no matter how you find yourself  because its predestined that so far as you remain child of God, his goodness is scheduled to locate you.

Just as we schedule events to go live on certain times even so is your blessings. You will surely come alive when the scheduled time of your breakthrough is up. Amen.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...