Sunday, 21 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer of tolerance and blessinga for us all.

2Corinthians 13:11-14.

Finally, we bid ourselves  goodbye. But let keep on growing in the word of God as we keep listening to the message. Let continue to tolerate each other. This way the God of love and peace will be with us.

 As we greet one another with a warm wishes, may the grace of the Lord Jesus the Messiah, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of us. Amen.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Pray that we all get to dwell under the secret place of the Most High God.

Ps 91:1, 27:5, 31:20, Heb 4:11.

Being found dwelling under the secret place of the Father entails alot. It means you live in safety and provision, without fear of sudden terror. All you could expect is much more upon much more of his glory. Hallelujah!

We pray that God strengthens even as we labour to enter into his secret place just as we do enter into his rest to receive revelation, fresh anointing and refuel of our lives and our love for him so as to remain resolute in victory. Amen.

Friday, 19 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: Pray for restful life for evey believer

2Corinthians 4:16, Romans 4:10, Philipians 2:13

Whatever we go through in this life must not supress us as believers. Be it the waywardness of a child or other issues of life. But remember despite our efforts, God is the one who works in us to produce the needed result.

So this morning we pray that may God himself take charge of all our charges and manage our lives right from within so that we can live a life of rest. For a life that's full of rest even when the going gets tough, knows that it will surely end in praises. Amen.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: At the Easter, may the lifestyle of every believer leads others to repentance.

Romans 2:4.

God has been kind to us. He was and still patience with us showning us mercy all for the  reason; His goodness leads one to repentance. Hallelujah.

May God work in us to willfully lead a lifestyle that would bless, show love, and kindness. Tolerance  and patience with unbelievers as we extend the gosple to them. As a result may they not just feel remorse but let them experience true repentance for your glory. Amen.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: For the benefit of the sinner, pray for the zeal to spread the goodnews from every conner

John 17:20, Luke 31:34.

Jesus Christ was discribed by the pharasees as the friend of sinners. But his  purpose was not just to be their friends but also they may repent. So Jesus prayed for them as well to his father that all would come to believe in him through his teachings for their salvation.

We pray for the supernatural zeal to carry on with the mandate  of preaching the gospel so that whoever believes would also enjoy the answered prayer of Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: According to the answered prayer of Christ, pray that we all may live together as one.

John 17:21

The death of Christ still makes alot of sense even at this point when we as a country yearn to be united as one. As we near Easter, we're remninded of the prayer Jesus said for us before his death, "that all may be one just as You are in me and I in You". Amen.

So Lord let all the  unfolding unfortunate events, attitudes, divisons through politics and other avenues.The wrongs that seems right and the lives that are valued over other lives, come to a halt as the anawered prayer of Christ causes us to stand togetther as one  for peace and prosperity. Amen.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: Let pray for those who strive to live right without Christ to accept christ because it amounts to unrighteousness.

Roman 1:18 Galatians 2:20.

The bible says, the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness. And there is no other thing besides right and wrong. It's either you are made right with God through Christ or you are made unrighteous through Adam.

So we pray that may all souls who strive to live right by themselves come to the full knowledge of Christ  to end their self efforts while they are alive to escape the wrath of God when the triumpet is sounded. Amen.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...