Saturday, 19 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Father, we pray you ransom our nation from any spiritual force orchestrating the fall of our democracy.

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Father, we pray you ransom our nation from any spiritual force orchestrating the fall of  our democracy.

Hosea 13:14.

Democracy results in legitimate government. It provides equal rights to all in transparent manner. It also ensures quality decision making and presents a better way of resolving disputes.

The devil hates democracy because he is against peace. So let pray that our Father in heaven deliver our country from any spiritual forces seeking the fall of our democracy. Amen.

Friday, 18 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Let pray for justice and equity to prevail in our post electoral engagements.

Let pray for justice and equity  to prevail in our post electoral engagements.

 Isaiah 1:17, Leviticus 19:15

Disagreement is not something odd because it helps to present different thought and other side of the matter. And every cry for justice and fairness should be is in line with the rule of law.

So let pray that those who seek probe into the election results do so legally so that justice and equity be enthroned in the country.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Let pray to God for wisdom and understanding for the ruling government

Prayer: Let pray to God for wisdom and understanding for the ruling government.

Proverbs 24:3

The bible says through wisdom a house is built. And by understanding it is established. In other words without wisdom and understanding our leaders can not build or establish anything proper for us.

So let pray that our God grant them wisdom and understanding to apply the relevant knowledge they have acquired in their various fields of study to better the lots of the country.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Let pray that our leaders will not discard the counsel of the Lord but come to love it in a bid to maintain peace in the country.

Proverbs 1:25, Isaiah 46:10

When we delight in the counsel of the Lord, his will and desires get done in our cause. But the desires of the wicked regarding our country would only set us up into a state of confusion.

So let pray that the counsel of the Lord stands but any evil counsel by anyone to plug the nation into chaos be prematurely seized and render invalid by the power of the Sovereign One. Amen.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Let pray to God for leaders with vision, for where there's no vision the people perish.

Proverbs 29:3

Our prosperity as a country would likely depend on the sort of leaders we've got. A visionary leader brings happiness to his people but the aimless and the careless one generally is the bane of his people.

So let pray that every elected or appointed official should be equipped with vision. If not be denied to spare the country of unfruitful policies in the name of Jesus.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution.

Prayer: Let pray for compassionate leaders.

Proverbs 29:2

A Nation with careless or heartless or unconcerned leaders, leave the masses in mourning, but leaders with heart of mercy, compassion and thoughtfulness always consider the cause of the poor and put smile on their faces. 

So let pray for the current administration, as they transition, every official should have a heart of compassion to ensure implementation of prudent  measures to better the living standards of the citizens. Amen.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Oh Lord let every redress seeker do so in peace.🙏

1Peter 3:11

Ghana is most likely to go through time of legal battle as the opposition hinted that their lawyers are examining and auditing some results sheets from about 38, 000 polling stations. The findings of the auditing would help them decide either to challenge the official results at the supreme Court or not.

We pray that whatever redress that we seek should be through legitimate means and must be peaceful. This is what we need as a nation. Amen.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...