Sunday, 18 August 2019

Word of Grace-The spirit reveals the love of God in our hearts


                                   Rom5:5, Eph4:30, 2Cor13:14

As believers fellowship with the spirit is very crucial because it is Christ and through him that we enjoy love standing with God. So we've got the privilege to always come into his presence in confidence knowing that in his presence we are most welcomed and he delights in us too.

Often we redraw from God because we realize our unholiness instead of focusing on our love standing with him. Whenever we  realize we are unholy that's when we need the unmerited love of God. When we respond like this the spirit is kept alive in us to give us personal revelation of the love of God for our lives. But when the spirit is dormant in us there won't be any fellowship with the spirit.

We can revive our fellowship with the spirit by speaking undeserved words of love to  ourselves. As we do that the holy spirit who acts as a seal unto the day of our redemption and also as a mark that shows that we belong to God as sons and daughters will be kept alive in us. Shalom!.

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Word of Grace- Jesus left us a friend of comfort, the Holy Spirit.

                          Jesus left us a friend of comfort, the Holy Spirit.

                Rom8:26, John14:26, 16:7-8&13, Heb10:15-17, Jerem31:33-34

I love the fact that Jesus always dose things for our benefit. He came and left all for our good. But then I ask what better thing could happen to us apart Jesus? Then the spirit says to me God the Son has accomplished his work but God the Spirit got to be with us and guide through as we walk according to his finished work.

The Holy Spirit is our advocate who knows all things concerning us. He witnesses and reminds us of our position in Christ. He convicts us of righteousness and empowers us to live right. Hallelujah!

He's that lovely and refreshing friend within us. He's the grace of God that makes us feel welcome in the presence of God. He helps to pray perfectly. He's that peace within us that always whispers, God loves you. He knows all because He was right there when God declared that our sins and our lawless deeds He remembers no more! As we welcome the friendship of the Holy Spirit our lives will never be the same. Shalom.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Word Of Grace-He holds our lives together always

                                      He holds our lives together always

                           -Col1:17, John1:4, Heb3:1, Ron12:2, Phili4:8-9-

Some people go through trials looking stronger and lively even more than some who are not in trouble. God wants these people to be an example so that through them he will strengthen them who are weak in trials even beforehand. Those strong in trials are those who've chosen to see Christ only. By so doing they've entered the rest of God even in the midst of their trials.

The devil hates to see us glowing, he wants us depressed and stressed so that he could win the battle of  the mind. As believers we've been empowered to walk through the storm, through the tears and through the fire with our heads lifted high. But these could be possible if we solely fix our thoughts on Christ, the initiator and the completer of our faith.

People of God, from beginning of time, Christ has been the tie that binds. So as we chose to be found in him,  our lives will never fall apart even in trials, for it's written in him all things hold firmly together. Hallelujah!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...