Saturday, 28 January 2023

Word of Grace-Our time and chance beckon

Eccles. 9:11, 2Cor 12:9, 15:10

Not by strength, but perfect timing is what we need. Its written: the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.

The Lord will cause you to be at the right place and the right time in the season of bountiful harvest as he set you up with his right timing, where nothing will be left to chance in your life.

Because I'm for Christ, I fully trust Him today to put me at the right place at the right time and to orchestrate right happenings in my life. I'm found by his divine grace that causes one to move from grass to grace. Amen

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Word of Grace-100% Jesus for a year of bountiful harvest

Hebrews 12:2

2022 had been a year of mixed feelings. You might have experienced ups and downs, but ÿour life hadn't been miserable. This was so for us who are in Christ because we enjoy the much more life; this is the life of Christ, which positions us for greater things. So do not fret nor sit hopeless for Christ is our hope.

From us at Glorious Worship we bring you a theme for 2023 that says *100% Jesus for a bountiful harvest.* That's surrendering fully or looking unto him or depending on him fully to experience a life of harvest in 2023. Have a year of glorious harvest as you make Jesus 100% in your life. Stay blessed.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...