Philippians 2:12-13, 4:13 Colossians 4:6, Ephesians 4:6
The righteous man is made to utter words that give the listener life and encouragement. But he wicked only cares about inciting violence and harming people. The believer enjoys hearing words that edify inspire, and uplift. Whatever we say as upright people aught to be gracious; if it is gracious, it will be edifying, inspiring, as well as uplifting.
Grace functions to strengthen the body of Christ. Having been strengthened, we are made capable of responding to the call to live right. So right living is totally dependent on Christ's atoning work, not on one's own self-effort. This makes sense in light of the fact that Christ, who is our strength, gives us the ability to accomplish all things.
Brethren, being grace-conscious gives one a joyful assurance of salvation. If you enjoy this blessed assurance, you will always be positive-minded. The positive-minded Christian is always well aware of the finished work of Christ, and believes that we have ultimately succeeded in working out our salvation because Christ has already accomplished this work in us when he declared; it is finished on the Calvary's tree. Hallelujah!