Romans 7:18-20, John 3:16
The law is perfect and for that matter holy. However, the law requires man who is bankrupt to react to its demands in practice. In effect, man continually strained to keep up, and wrestled miserably with the law. Little did we know that God had wrapped us in grace to bring the law to an end by Christ, providing him who represents grace to ensure we met God's righteous demands in due time. Hallelujah.
While the law requires righteousness and holiness from us, grace supplies us with righteousness and holiness that leads to life through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus. When the law was delivered on Mount Sinai, it resulted in the deaths of around 3000 people, however when the spirit was given on Mount Zion, 3000 people were rescued. The letter kills, but the spirit gives life. Hallelujah.
Are you for Mount Zion or Sinai, brethren? You are linked to Zion if you are united with Christ. This is where the Holy Spirit empowers us to live a holy life. No one is worthy of his kingdom without grace. We are described as a dirty rag without Christ. But praise be to God, who sent him so that those who believe in him will not die but live eternally. Shalom.