Monday, 31 January 2022

Word of Grace-We are most welcome before God

Heb 10:20, 2Cor 5:19, Luk15:17-24, Matth27:50-51

We are most welcome before God because, when Jesus gave up the spirit, God tore the veil in the temple, indicating the end of the separation that existed between sinful man and holy God. That's God intervened to reconcile sinful man unto himself. This beautiful experience is also depicted in the parable of the prodigal son, where the father stepped out to welcome the lost son in a grand style. Hallelujah!

We can now be received by Christ because he has a righteous foundation that cannot be shaken or undermined by man's sinfulness. His righteousness remains powerful and contagious enough to nullify and make us clean.

Brethren, Christ came so that we could appear before the throne of grace, so let us be encouraged to seize this gracious moment because the more we come regardless of who we are, the more we are changed in a new living way for a renewed life in him. Shalom.

Friday, 21 January 2022

Word of Grace-His righteousness will spread

Psalm 37:6,  Leviticus 13, 2Cor 5:21, 1Cor 15:55-57

Leprosy is depicted as a  representation of defilement  of sin. The result of leprosy being sin is described as "ugly, disgusting, incurable, and contagious. It also separates men from God in effect, making the sinner a total outcast. Sin was indeed a powerful force.!!

But, as the sunlight spreads radiance throughout the land righteousness spreads forth for everybody. This spread only happens through Christ.  So anyone without Christ is a like the leper. And except for the righteous in Christ, he contaminates everyone he comes into contact with.  So the righteousness of God in Christ enables us to touch the untouchable as it happened when the leper approached Jesus and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can cleanse me. When the willing-Jesus touched the untouchable, he was instantly healed. Hallelujah!

This demonstrates that God's righteousness is much more greater and contagious, having the  capacity to render the sting of sin null and void, and consequently spreading over all. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Word of Grace-Jesus is ready and willing to heal us

Matthew 8:1-4, 1 John 1:19, Leviticus 13

Leprosy, a contagious disease that results in  serious illness. In society, you are unappreciated and unwelcome. Also considered unclean and unholy, making one a sinner who is forced to live outside the community because such sins are contagious. However, when the contagious sinner encountered the contagious righteousness, situation changed for the better. Hallelujah!

The leper was looking for a chance to meet with Jesus. He believed that Jesus could solve his problem, which had led to his isolation. As Jesus, the teacher, approached the mountainside, the leper ran  for an encounter with him. The leper believed Jesus could heal him, but he was not sure if Jesus would do so.

You may be experiencing issues here and there where family and friends appear to neglect you as a result of the negative effects of what you are going through. You may even think no one is ever  ready and willing to help you beacuse of the longevity of  the neglect. But fear not! Seek for the encounter that causes one to spread!

Now Today, if you will believe and seek an encounter with Christ, you will undoubtedly be set free because Christ is able and willing to heal us from all kinds of illnesses and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Word of GraceChrist lives on, hope is erupting

Gala 3:13, Ps119:81, 1Cor15:19, Matth12:21

We long to experience the hope of greatness. Hope that stems from ancient promises and extends to our era. The promise of God himself, ensuring total salvation from the curse of sin for both Jews and Gentiles.

As Gentiles, we had no hope of glory, but today our hearts yearn for his salvation because the conception and delivery  of Jesus initialized the mediation process of reunification with God.

So the  revelation of Christ as completely human among men gives hope to those who have no hope. Hope that is brimming with radiance. This is the glory in which we find our identity. In effect we can now rejoice because our identity, which  was lost, is now rediscovered in Christ, the  hope of the world Hallelujah!!!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...