Sunday, 28 November 2021

Word of Grace-The Contagious Blessing

Numbers 6:22-27

In Numbers the Lord God Almighty  reveals the way of blessing his people as he instructed Moses to tell Aaron and his sons, the Priests to bless Israel in that manner. But why in such a manner? This way of blessing insures that the blessing is extended to endless  generations. This is a contagious blessing, not restricted but transcends beyond boundaries.

We have a mandate as believers and for that matter Priests, because of Christ, to exercise such way of blessing whenever we are to bless to put the name of the Lord among us, and he will reign blessings upon us.

So this morning from Glorious Worship; in the name of Jesus, The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. This is for you and your family, your children and their children's children, and thousands generations all shall be affected by this contagious blessings . Amen and Amen and Amen! Shalom!

Friday, 26 November 2021

Word of Grace-Be defined by what God says about you

1Cor 1:30, 3:23, Joh 4:1-30, Rom5:1, Isa43:23, 25, Heb8:12 

What has God said about you? Has he justified the sinner?  Then Let no one condemn for we are traced to the root of Christ. So from this vantage position who you are is not  as  a result of chance or what you did, but of Christ's calculated obedience. Our obedience maybe needful,  however, it is subjected to Christ's obedience. That's, without Christ's obedience, ours fall short of the mark.

Accepting what God said about you results in positive recollection. By this the enemy is denied victory  as we cease to dwell on our sinful past after we have been forgiven and then occupy our thoughts with positive  memories which lead to right living.

The devil is aware about our sonship, which  places us in an entrench  position  in Christ.  He knows God remembers our sins no more, but the devil still goes round accusing to deny us living victorious life. But if we accept what Christ has made us, we will have enough revelation to go running, proclaiming the name of Jesus to all,  just like the Prostitute whose encounter with Christ caused her to spread the name of Jesus. Shalom!

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Word of Grace-For in Christ, there has never been a time when hope was lost

Ps 125: 1-2, Isa 41:10, Deut 36:6 

The ability to hold on is deposited in us by the Holy Spirit. As a result, we are able to cling on without letting go, focusing on the renewed hope found in him. In effect, we are built to follow the light even in the darkest hour.  He is our life and the life is the light that shines unto our paths. Hallelujah!

Brethren, circumstances may not be ideal, but one thing is certain, our redemer teaches us not to surrender because he never leaves us behind but leads us to the end. And this is our hope; our future is unquestionably secured in him.

And remember, for those who belong to Christ, there is always hope.  You're re like Mount Zion, which stands firm even in the face of storm. So no matter the situation  remember that  Jesus is our  hope always  to the end. Shalom!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...