Friday, 23 July 2021

Word of Grace-Holiness is Christ in you.

1Cor 1:30, Rom 5:20, Joh 3:16.

God designed us to be found in Christ. This was for a purpose that, Jesus Christ  be to us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption from God, our Father. Hallelujah!

Now to be holy is to know Christ. Beside him there's none. The law indeed is sacred but does not make one holy. This is because the law was brought in so that the offense may increase but Jesus came so that we may have eternal life. Praise God!.

Brethren, in your knowing get to know that since you have received Christ, he is in you, and that's holiness. Glory be to God!.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Word of Grace-The peace that we know...

Rom 5:1, Eph 2:14, Joh14:27. 

Jesus is the sole reason we can have peace with God; the peace that transcends barriers.

No Jesus no peace! Indeed as believers, the peace that we know is Christ Jesus. This peace is not like the world give. This peace is our High Priest, who ensures the tearing down of any dividing wall that separate us from him.

The Christ kind of peace is required for a life of rest even in this era of pestilences. You're not too late nor too far, the peace that we know awaits your return. So proceed and he'll give you rest to excel. Shalom!

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Word of Grace-The anticipated Messaiah is here with us.

Luke 2:36-38, Gal 3:13, Isa 43:1

While Simeon was prophesying over the baby Jesus, Anna, the prophetess walked in with chorus of praises to God. She announced to everyone who was waiting for redemption in Jerusalem that the anticipated Messaiah had come!

The Anointed one, the Saviour and the Redeemer is here with us so let your heart receive the prompting of the spirit as the Lord confirms this, fear not for i have redeemed you. Hallelujah!.

Brethren, unless you are not expecting any help from God, but if you are,  just like me, then our anticipated Saviour is here. Burst into songs of praises, for our redemption from sorrow, curse and sin is completed by Christ, the Mesaiah. Praise God!

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Word of Grace-We seek the city that is to come.

Heb 13:14, Rev 21:1-5, 2Pt 3:13.

According to the promise, there is a new heaven, a new state full of righteouness. This is the new Jerusalem that lives for us like a bride adorned for the husband.

In this new state shall the dwelling place of God be. And he shall be to us our God and we his people.There shall be no more sorrows, neither shall there be weeping, pain nor death. He will make all things new. Hallelujah!!!.

This is the City that we seek as we journey through this temporal one. Accept Christ the Lord, to identify yourself with the hope of the new heaven. May Christ be revealed to us all as we seek the city that is to come. Shalom!

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Word of Grace-The Lord beautifies our lives with salvation

Ps 149:4, Rom 8:28, Eccl 3:11

Yea the Lord makes all things beautiful in his own time. And all things works together beautifully for those who in love with God. These people savour the rains of  beauty. Praise God!

Now what we mean by the Lord beautifies our lives with salvation is that, he decorates  our lives freely with salvation. This is awesome because salvation apart from being saved from eternal damnation, also means wholeness, health, proserity sound mind, joy and much more!! Halleluyah!!!

So as a believers, apart from we being heaven bound we also received all the above for a victorious living here on earth. Shalom!

Friday, 2 July 2021

Word of Grace-Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us all

Psalms 90:17 Ephesians 1:6.

Through scriptures we figured out how to pray for the manifestation of the beauty of the Lord. This beauty emanates and sparkles as the stars. Furthermore, this beauty makes us accepted in the Lord wherever we go.

So there's a beauty conferred on us who are in Christ. And it never loses it's hold on us. Indeed, even in affliction or in difficult times it's excellence develops flawlessly on us, transfiguring the tired body, rising up from decay and breaking out off the ashes into the full likeness of Christ as we behold his superb magnificence.

As believers in Christ, our lives are bound for the beauties of the Lord. So as we start this new month let look forward to it in confidence as we align ourselves in positive position to embrace it. May the excellence and the beauty of the Lord, our God, find you today. Amen.

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...