Friday, 30 April 2021

Word of Grace-Sin and death has no hold on us.

Rom 6:14, 8:2, Jer31:34, Heb 10:17.

The Word says, sin has no hold us because grace holds us now. This is the spirit of God at work in you. For this reason not just that you won't sin, as a matter of truth, you can't sin because you're dead to sin and alive to righteousness hallelujah!.

Grace is the spirit of God which is Christ himself, the high priest who offered the sacrifice once for all time. So till now this statement of intent is still valid even in our time; their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Hallelujah!.

The more we consume this truth the more we receive the divine ability to live right. Shalom!

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Word of Grace-Raised to life with Christ, to have our being in him

Colossians 3:1, Romans 6:4-5, Acts17:28.

To have our being in Christ means we've been raised to life with Christ. To be raised to life with Christ, means we've died with him. To be dead with Christ means we've given ourselves away to Christ. We've gone through these processes to be hidden in Christ.

We are who we're today  by the virtue of the fact that Christ is been the sole architect of our total being. So for the devil to get us undone, he has to undo all that Christ on the cross which is impossible.

Brethren no matter the plots the devil would employ, he can't be successful in breaking us down because our foundation is Christ and his finished work. Shalom.

Friday, 23 April 2021

WORD OF GRACE.-The goodness of the Lord is scheduled to locate you.

Psalms 27:13.

Let your hope soar high, may your confidence be erupt, and may your fondness for God increase in the wake of the reading of his word. Confess that I'm totally confidence that while I'm alive on this land, surely I will see the goodness of the Lord. Hallelujah!

Brethren, have hope and confidence in Christ, no matter how you find yourself  because its predestined that so far as you remain child of God, his goodness is scheduled to locate you.

Just as we schedule events to go live on certain times even so is your blessings. You will surely come alive when the scheduled time of your breakthrough is up. Amen.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Word of Grace-We are set free to live a right life.

Romans 6:22, 2Cor5:17, Heb 10:17.

But now that we have been purged as white as snow and   set free from slavery of sin to be in right position with God, we are enslaved to God through Christ. Now the benefits we reap, is being set apart; holiness and righteousness. And finally this results us in life eternal. Hallelujah!!!!

Bro. and Sis. if you are in Christ, you are a new creation. New creation who's sin and lawless deeds God remembers no more! The more you ponder on this good news the much closer you get to God, the more clean life you live. Shalom!.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Word of Grace-Positive alignment is a divine posture.

Exo 33:19, 2Cor12:9, Joel 3:10.

When you occupy your mind with the promises of God you align yourself with his decrees. Same way, if you constantly dwell on negativity you align yourself with the decrees of the devil. So have no knowledge of lack but be conscious of God's provisions.

God our Father has stated in his word that he will pass over us with his goodness. And so he has taught us how to talk even when the going gets tough; if you feel weak say I'm strong and let the poor say I'm rich. These are the confessions that heal our heart and soul. Be positive minded and you will see many good days in Jesus' name. Shalom.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Word of Grace-A place at peace with God? Give me Jesus!

Rom5:1, Heb4:15 2Cor 5:21

Give us Jesus and we will be able to be at peace with God. Once we receive Jesus, and his sacrifice that makes  provision for forgiveness of sin, his status becomes our inheritance.

Anyone who has accepted the free gift of eternal life through faith in Christ's sacrifice, your sins are wiped away in the sight of God. Hallelujah!!!

Brethren, it is evident with no doubt that  we need Christ, the saviour to be able to reach at a point of peace with God. When we accept Christ, God accepts us, as right with himself and we have peace towards him. Shalom.

Friday, 16 April 2021

Word of Grace-Christ is the way to approach God.

Genesis 3:1-20, 4:1-16, John 14:6.

After the occurrence of sin, God cursed the land. Since then any effort made to approach him should be in the new order, and that's through Christ. Effort made to approach God in this manner is the only acceptable approach.

So in approaching God, let us not act like Cain, who instead of accepting God's way, approached God on the ground of how hard he had toiled when he offered to God fruits of his labour from the ground that had been cursed by God.

God always want us to go for the best. So he has given us Jesus, the tree of life. Christ still remains the way to approach God. Shalom.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Word of Grace-We are judged by the standard of Christ's 100% righteousness

1Corb1:30, Ps96:13, Acts 17:31.

Faith in Christ's finished work is very needful because when we believe in Christ, God counts us right with himself, and we get drawn to (him)God,  who demands 100% righteousness from the bankrupt man. So to fulfill this demand of 100% righteousness, God intentionally set us up to be found in Christ so he(Christ) becomes our righteousness and even our wisdom. Hallelujah!

So now, because Christ absorbed all the punishments for sin in his body on the cross on our behalf, he who believes in him, is judged by the standard of Christ's perfect righteousness. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Word of Grace-God's righteousness, now our nature.

1Cor 15:13-14,55-57 Matt 6:33.

Believers don't remain in sin after the resurrection of Christ because, the nature of sin is defeated and the nature of  righteousness currently reigns in its stead. God has replaced our nature of sin with his nature of  righteousness and for that matter whosoever wishes to live right can do so willfully with the aid of the holy spirit.

Now all that we've said is possible because the Messiah is raised from the dead. If not, the message of Christ would have been meaningless and the faith thereof would also be invalid.

But through the resurrection, every soul is welcomed to taste the righteousness of God through Christ, for that is what God wants from us. And so he said seek my righteousness. Amen.

Word of Grace-Believe in his resurrection and you shall be blessed

John 20:29, Hebrews 11:1.

After dealing with our fears right after the grave he came into contact with Thomas. What transpired between Jesus and Thomas resulted in blessings for those who would not witness his resurrection and yet believe.

Now Thomas' action was a sharp contrast. He wanted to see before he believes which is not so because faith or believe is always based on the evidence of things not seen.

This day Jesus tells us that because we have not seen him and yet believe, blessed are we in all our dealings and dwellings. You will see the power of his resurrection resurrecting every dead part of your life in accordance  with his finished work. Shalom.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Word of Grace-Don't retreat because of fear, but step up in hope.

John 20:19

"Peace be unto you" This was how Jesus Christ, greeted his disciples when he appeared in their midst in the upper room where they had locked themselves up for the fear of the Jewish leaders.

You may have as well locked yourself up for the fear of defeat. You've resigned to move forward because of the circumstances surrounding the situation. But this morning, Jesus the Prince of Peace stands in the midst of your situation just as he did with the disciples. He says peace be unto you.

Received the spirit of steadiness to forge ahead in your endeavour. For as much as the resurrected King is in with you, victory is assured so step up in hope. Shalom.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Word of Grace-Come to the alter ,for the Father's arms are wide open

Romans 8:34, Hebrews 3:15.

We can come to the alter because of this very season we celebrate. It has the story of how forgiveness was bought with the blood of Jesus.

After his death and resurrection, Jesus got seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us. Since then, the Father has been outstretched arm. His arms are widely open in ready mode to embrace every soul that says I surrender Lord.

Upon hearing his word do not harden your heart, for we are the reason he left his glorious fame for our shame. He became the scapegoat so that we can escape the wrath of God to enjoy his warm embrace. Shalom!

Monday, 5 April 2021

Word of Grace-Sin, death and grave are vanquished.

1Corrinthians 15:55-57.

_O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, who subdued them all.

So we cherish him because he has become our strength. And this is so for Jesus walked as human for 33 years and never sinned. He walked on this earth devoid of sin on our behalf and left us this legacy  of sinless state. Hallelujah!!!

Brethren, we have every reason to be joyful because we have a receipt to our claim and that is the resurrection of Christ. This completed it all. Praise Christ, the King.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Word of Grace-Raised To Life with Christ.

Colossians 3:1, Matthew 28:5-7.

The passion of Christ was so strong. Out of his wounds won our salvation. Sin could be strong but Jesus our saviour is the strangest. The grave could not restrict him. Jesus is  risen from the grave. Hallelujah!

We cry out hallelujah!, because in his resurrection we have been raised to life. Hallelujah!

This morning as you step out to celebrate him, do so with understanding. May your joy be found in knowing that the resurrection of Christ is victory and that victory is the start off point for those who believe in the finished work of Christ. Praise Yeshuah!

Saturday, 3 April 2021

Word of Grace-Jesus will arise.

Matthew 27:62-64.

The following day after his death and burial, the Priests and some Pharisees gathered before Pilate to discuss how to secure the tomb so that the imposter will not get stollen by his disciples and later announce that he has risen as he said.

Even after his death, they referred to Jesus as an imposter. What a ridicule! So they went and secured the tomb with a strong seal.

Jesus could have risen on any day but prophecy must be fulfilled and for the reason of observing the Sabbath too. But the believers still hoped that Jesus will resurrect just as he told them.

Friday, 2 April 2021

Word of Grace-Jesus' crucifixion was foretold.

Isaiah 50:6.

Psalm, Isaiah, Zachariah, Amos and others had a preview of the crucifixion of Christ. Even some  of the prophecies about his crucifixion came at a point where the act of crucifixion had not been instituted

In Isaiah the word says, “I offered my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mockery and spitting". This and many more prophesied for our sake because we are loved by God.

As the crucifixion of Jesus was foretold, even so was our redemption. Hallelujah.

1st April 2021

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Word of Grace-Jesus could forgive sinners even before the cross?

John 4:1-28, 8:1-11 Hebrew.

Every forgiveness requires blood. Even the old testament sacrifices point to that fact. No wonder the Pharisees sometimes  question Jesus when he forgave people their sins.

Jesus could forgive the sins of the adulterous woman and others because he was God incarnate and boundless,  and would later died on the cross for future sinners as he offered himself ransomely for all who would believe in him.

At the Easter, may this wonderful exchange propel us to spread Christ in all corners even more than what the woman at the well did. Shalom!

31st March 2021

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...