Thursday, 31 December 2020

Word of Grace-Theme of the Year 2021: By grace, there's provision for every need.

Ephesians 1:1-7, Philippians 4:19

We went through 2020 because of his super grace. The year 2021 is some few hours away and God is saying the overwhelming riches of his grace is our portion there in. Hallelujah.

What are we afraid of? Is it  pandemic or what? God is saying peace be unto us in whatever condition we find ourselves. Hallelujah!

Brethren, step into the year 2021 believing that God has promised to flood our lives with the exceeding riches of his grace through Christ. Grace to you and every praise to our God.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution- Pray for our liberation from all forms of injustice in the country.

Psalms 43:1, 82:3

The God that we serve is a Just God, and Just as he is, is the the only one who can liberate our nation from all kinds of injustice as he fight our cause against the unjust men.

May God himself arise to defend and liberate our nation totally from all forms of injustice as we kneel to pray for the weak and the poor.๐Ÿ™

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Let pray for wisdom to rule this nation

Ecclesiastes 9:14-16

Wisdom from above is better than strength. That's what we need to move this nation forward in right the direction.

So just as Solomon asked for wisdom let do same  for each and every one of us and most especially our leaders to advance the cause of Ghana resulting in restoration of the economy.

Monday, 28 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: Pray for the salvation of Ghana as a nation from the hands of powers of darkness.

Ephesians 6:12

The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual orchestras in heavenly realms and here on earth.

So let pray that every forces fighting or contending against the cause of Ghana, wrestle her in vain. And that God entrust the affairs of Ghana in the hands of right people  as the spirit of God rise to lead us into prosperity.

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Prayer: Let pray that every evil or wickedness ploted against our nation come to nothing.

Psalms 7:9

God is the only Being who works out of time and knows what is ahead. He knows every secret thought and has the capacity of rendering every evil plot useless.

So let pray and commit Ghana into his care that he ends evey wickedness by the wicked one against us as a nation and establish us as a nation in the path of his righteousness. Amen๐Ÿ™

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Pray for the move of the holy spirit across the entire body of Christ in the country.

Acts 2:47, Col 4:2-3, 1Cor 3:7

God gave Christ so that whoever receives him will be added to the assembly of the saint. That's our business as Christians; soul winning..

So let pray for the continuous revolution of the holy spirit for all corners of the country to experience greater expansion  and growth of the body of Christ.

Friday, 25 December 2020

Word of Grace-The birth of salvation, the beginning of our hope.

Word of Grace

The birth of salvation, the beginning of our hope.

Luke 2:11

God could have saved us in a minutes but he sent a child. He wanted us to experience him and not just to save us. This is good news It is pleasant to the eyes and to the ears and also soothes the soul.

Salvation is born to us this day and whoever believes in him will not decay but will experience eternal life.

Savour the good news that ensues the birth of Christ just as the three wise men did. And may the joy and the peace that surround his birth put away any unpalatable situation in your life and fill in with good tidings. Merry Christmas to you.

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution- Let pray that God recuse every citizen of this nation from any assault of the devil.

Timothy 4:18, Psalms 94:1-2

There are those who have made themselves enemies of peace and progress. Such people would never allow the country and for that matter the citizens to progress in whatever they do. 

So let pray that God hasten to set us free from all their evil deeds and bring us into his safety abode for Ghana to continue to enjoy peace like never before. Amen๐Ÿ™

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Pray against any trap of destruction by the devil and also ask that God frees us from their troubles.

Zephaniah 3:19-20

God says on that day he will save us. He will also restore unto us hundredfold all that we have lost as a country as a result of any trap of destruction.

So on this day let pray that God shows us his salvation for our country to progress. Amen.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Let thank God and keep praying that he continues to uphold the country with his loving kindness so we may not be consumed by the evil one.

Lamentation 3:22

The loving kindness of God is what keeps us safe. God who is the only true consuming fire, holds us from the prey of them that seek us a nation to consume.

So let thank God and continue to commit the nation into his hands even more so we can continue to enjoy his immeasurable compassion as a country. Amen๐Ÿ™.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Pray that God frustrates the plans of the wicked against our prosperity as a nation.

Job 5:12

The Bible says God thwarts the plans of the crafty. He dose that to the wicked so that they make no progress in their conspiracy against us.

So let continue to pray that God disappoints their plans against our well being so that we can accomplish much more as a country.

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Ghana For Peace Prayer Revolution-Let pray that God confuse them that gang up to interrupt our progress and defend our country to save her.

2Kings 19:34-35

The devil has no peace so he desires to have others partake with him. He sets and gangs up hell against our growth.

 So let pray that his evil plots through whichever means be exposed by the power of the holy spirit for the total salvation of our country๐Ÿ™.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Father, we pray you ransom our nation from any spiritual force orchestrating the fall of our democracy.

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Father, we pray you ransom our nation from any spiritual force orchestrating the fall of  our democracy.

Hosea 13:14.

Democracy results in legitimate government. It provides equal rights to all in transparent manner. It also ensures quality decision making and presents a better way of resolving disputes.

The devil hates democracy because he is against peace. So let pray that our Father in heaven deliver our country from any spiritual forces seeking the fall of our democracy. Amen.

Friday, 18 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Let pray for justice and equity to prevail in our post electoral engagements.

Let pray for justice and equity  to prevail in our post electoral engagements.

 Isaiah 1:17, Leviticus 19:15

Disagreement is not something odd because it helps to present different thought and other side of the matter. And every cry for justice and fairness should be is in line with the rule of law.

So let pray that those who seek probe into the election results do so legally so that justice and equity be enthroned in the country.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution-Let pray to God for wisdom and understanding for the ruling government

Prayer: Let pray to God for wisdom and understanding for the ruling government.

Proverbs 24:3

The bible says through wisdom a house is built. And by understanding it is established. In other words without wisdom and understanding our leaders can not build or establish anything proper for us.

So let pray that our God grant them wisdom and understanding to apply the relevant knowledge they have acquired in their various fields of study to better the lots of the country.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Let pray that our leaders will not discard the counsel of the Lord but come to love it in a bid to maintain peace in the country.

Proverbs 1:25, Isaiah 46:10

When we delight in the counsel of the Lord, his will and desires get done in our cause. But the desires of the wicked regarding our country would only set us up into a state of confusion.

So let pray that the counsel of the Lord stands but any evil counsel by anyone to plug the nation into chaos be prematurely seized and render invalid by the power of the Sovereign One. Amen.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Let pray to God for leaders with vision, for where there's no vision the people perish.

Proverbs 29:3

Our prosperity as a country would likely depend on the sort of leaders we've got. A visionary leader brings happiness to his people but the aimless and the careless one generally is the bane of his people.

So let pray that every elected or appointed official should be equipped with vision. If not be denied to spare the country of unfruitful policies in the name of Jesus.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution.

Prayer: Let pray for compassionate leaders.

Proverbs 29:2

A Nation with careless or heartless or unconcerned leaders, leave the masses in mourning, but leaders with heart of mercy, compassion and thoughtfulness always consider the cause of the poor and put smile on their faces. 

So let pray for the current administration, as they transition, every official should have a heart of compassion to ensure implementation of prudent  measures to better the living standards of the citizens. Amen.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer: Oh Lord let every redress seeker do so in peace.๐Ÿ™

1Peter 3:11

Ghana is most likely to go through time of legal battle as the opposition hinted that their lawyers are examining and auditing some results sheets from about 38, 000 polling stations. The findings of the auditing would help them decide either to challenge the official results at the supreme Court or not.

We pray that whatever redress that we seek should be through legitimate means and must be peaceful. This is what we need as a nation. Amen.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Let pray that God gives our leaders spirit of understanding to accept circumstances in the interest of Ghana for peace  and harmony to reign.

2Timothy 2:7

Sometimes one concedes even when its clear he or she has not lost but considering the costs involve, contesting and contending may plug the country into chaos jeopardizing the country they are seeking to rule. So let ask for spirit of understanding for our leaders in the opposition to accept the results. Amen.

Friday, 11 December 2020

Glorious Worshp-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Let pray for an improved prosperity and security.

Jeremiah 33:6

Post elections have got their own issues. But some of these issues sometimes distract the elected government. So we're praying  that God give them wisdom to stay focus as they work towards securing good deals to better the lives of the citizenry. May God help them to decide right to promote prosperity and security in the lives of the good people of Ghana.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Let thank God for a successful election.

Psalms 95:1-3

Draw near with songs of joy and sing to the Lord; Let us shout with joy to the rock of our salvation, who gives us victory. Enter his presence with thanksgiving; with a joyful sound, let raise songs of praise in honour of him. Because the Lord our Father has calmed the raging tensions and has given Ghana the victory. 

We are grateful as a country for the leaders that God has given us. Leaders with receptive hearts and minds even though there were unfortunate issues here and there Ghana is declared winner and all have accepted the outcome in accordance with the peace pact signed. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Let pray for peace and tranquility as we await the declaration of the winner.

Psalm 65:7.

From last morning we've been witnessing press conference upon conferences from the leading parties asserting victory. This has brought about growing tensions among the populace. So we're praying that God calms the raging situation and grant us peace of mind as we await the official declaration.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution.

Prayer Point:  Pray that every intention be exposed and bring to nothing by the light of Christ.

Ephesians 5:13-14 

Let pray that God shines light on all with evil intention towards the counting of the ballot papers. As we rise to pray, God will light up Christ, the lights of the  world to reveal all who has aim to harm the country, and render their evil intention useless.

Let keep on praying for God hears us.

Monday, 7 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Let pray that  peace and security be found within our confines as we go to the polls today.

Psalms 122:7

Oh Lord, let peace and security be found within our walls, the confines of every polling station and Ghana as whole to ensure a sound electoral processes as everyone of us including the EC, the security agencies, party agents and other stakeholders inhabit the spirit of peace and security. Amen.

Pray and stay safe from trouble as you vote.

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Let pray that God give our leaders the fruit of the spirit,  peace to commit to the peace pact.

Galatians 5:22

The party leaders have signed a peace pact signifying that as leaders they would accept the outcome of the election. Let pray that they commit to this pact. We oppose and cast out any spirit of misunderstanding or deviation amongst our leaders in the name of Jesus.

Let keep on praying for a peaceful election. Shalom.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Pray that God turns the heart of men at the polling stations.

Scripture reading: Proverbs 21:1

Anyone with evil thought or has any intent to employ dubious means for selfish gains, may God turn that heart way from such evil in the name of Jesus

Keep on praying for peace and stay blessed

Glorious Worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

Prayer Point: *Pray that God keep us in perfect and constant peace in the impending election_

Isaiah 26:3

Lord we pray that your spirit set up our hearts on you even  as we go to the polls. May your peace saturate our hearts and cast off our fears believing that your power is at work to ensure a successful election. Amen

Keep on praying wherever you find yourself. Peace be upon you

4th Dec,2020

Glorious worship-Ghana for Peace Prayer Revolution

1peter 5:7-10

As the devil thunders, looking for whom he may devour, he uses certain circumstances to finish this mission. Such situation is where we find ourselves currently, the election 2020.

God has laid it on the core heart of Glorious Worship to start *Ghana for Peace Prayer Movement* to intercede for our country Ghana as we go to the polls on 7th December. I thus urge us all to team up with Glorious Worship from tomorrow through to the end of the entire 2020 election to say a prayer of peace for our nation Ghana.

We will receive daily prayer points from Glorious Worship from tomorrow through to next year. We stand on these points to pray wherever we are. God favour you for taken part in this spiritual exercise to ensure peaceful Ghana before, during and after the election 2020. Shalom..

3rd Dec,2020

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...