Tuesday, 31 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE- Pure grace and nothing else

                                                 Pure grace and nothing else

                                                      2Cor12:14, Eph6:24

We enjoy excessive love from God! This love is costly, priceless and unquantifiable!

You're bound for the goodness of the Lord coming new year. But never associate this goodness with luck; saying thank God I have been lucky. No as a child of God, you're not lucky but you're favoured. It is not as a result of any self-effort or by dint of any good omen but because you walk in pure grace. To walk in pure grace is to say, not me but to God be the glory.

This is our hope! As we receive the amazing grace and the extravagant love of God, we will experience an improved intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit to walk under his direction for a prosperous new year. Shalom.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Christ, the living of the world

                                         Christ, the living hope of the world

                                             Rom3:10-12, 23-26, Ps14:1-3.

The books of Psalms and Romans reveal the bleakest future of mankind; all have sinned and done the abominable. Not even one seeks God. As a result, all have come short of the glory of God. Indeed the world is hopelessly in total darkness.

But glory be to God that Christ has become the living hope for these perishing souls. His life and aftermath give hope for those who honour an invitation to embrace the gospel of Christ, which tells about how Christ bore the judgement of all sinners in his body on the Calvary's tree.

Those who accept Christ will experience and enjoy the hope of no more condemnation for those who were lost but now found in Christ. Shalom!

Friday, 27 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Peace and goodwill to us all

                                                    Peace and goodwill to us all

                                                Luk2:13-14, Eph4:30-31, 2Cor 5:18

The birth of Jesus points us to the peace of God and his goodwill towards men. Through Christ God seeks to reconcile us unto Himself.

Those who have received Jesus, the perfect gift, through faith have been empowered to be at peace and show kindness to all manner of people in reconciliation and reunion as God demonstrated.

The perfect gift found in the package given to us by God, is to set us free from bitterness which is the main causative agent that shy away the holy spirit. As we align ourselves with God's purpose of giving his son, we experience peace, love, harmony and tranquility in our relationship with all manner of people. Shalom!

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Experience the birth of Christ

                                         Experience the birth of Christ

                                                  John1:1, 14,17

The word has now become flesh, and Christ who is God Himself now lives among men. The word became flesh so that Christ who is also the embodiment of grace and truth will have his way among us.

Now because of the revelation of Christ the grace, we who were hopeless, now hopeful of the righteousness of God. What an unusual experience! Once lost but now because of  Christ the truth, we are found. Such an awesome experience!

Christ is born on this day so that you and I may experience grace and truth. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Jesus, the perfect gift to unfold

                                      Jesus, the perfect gift to unfold.

                                   James 1:17, John 15:15, Romans 5:1

We've been made children of God. He calls us his friend. For being his friend we are justified, bought with a huge price. We now emanate from the body of Christ. Chosen and adopted, redeemed and forgiven of past, present and future sins. We've been made overcomers, enjoying the gift of eternal life. Hallelujah!

Let ponder over these imperishable qualities found in Christ as a gift, then we would know that no other gift can be compared to this gift we have from above.

As you celebrate the birth of Christ, giving or receiving, remember that the most perfect gift there's,  is the gift of Christ. For in this gift, there's so much more to unfold! Shalom.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Jesus is our Christmas gift

                                                     Jesus is our Christmas gift.
                                                  John 3:16, 7:38, Romans 5:8

Christians and even most none believers do expect Christmas gifts from loved ones and other friends in seasons like this. These Christmas gifts give them happiness and a sense of thoughtfulness.

But we desire the eternal gift of God. This is the gift that keeps on giving. Unlike us, God didn't need to be free with us before he gifted us his treasure. He gave us the gift when we were his fierce foe. This is unheard of but he did it anyway.

Brethren,  all other gifts can not satisfy us. The one who is the reason behind the season is the only one who satisfies us. He never runs dry or gets exhausted. So be joyful for having the perfect Christmas gift in Christ. As you receive him, out of your belly streams shall flow with beautiful tidings. Shalom!

Friday, 20 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Jesus, the good news to the world

                                    Jesus, the good news to the world.

                                       Isaiah7:14, Ps98, Luk2:6-7,9

Christ makes all the difference. What he brings on the table none can fathom.  This is the good news the Prophet of old spoke about. Christ is the reality of the gospel that lights up the world.

Could you imagine God among men? The One by whom all things were made, now kept in a manger? King traded his fame for our shame? The most High came so low to our level? The King above all kings allowed himself to be handled by a woman, all for love? This is indeed good news to the world.

Brethren, before the first man messed up, God had a plan for us that an innocent young lady will bear a son and called him Jesus. In him, the world experiences the joy of the Lord. This joy is now your heritage in Christ. Shalom!

Sunday, 8 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Have no cares

                                                       Have no cares

                                                    Philippians 4:6-7

The peace of God which is far above all imagination guards your heart and mind. This is actually the case when you become carefully anxious for nothing about your heart desires.

It's a decision to have no cares. This becomes so real when we totally commit every burden to God, saying Father, I can't do this my way so do it your own way. That's a kind of I surrender, God really loves.

Brethren, concerning the issues you going through why not present them to God? If we have done so, why do we still keep them? Ideally, what we could do at this stage is to focus on Christ who is the initiator of our faith and he will do exceedingly above even our petition. Amen.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

WORD OF GRACE-Grace gives beyond expectation

                                                  Grace gives beyond expectation.

                                                 2Corthians9:8, 12:9, Luke5:4-6

God wants us to have so much in abundance. So he makes all grace abound to us. He is not limited by our inability. Even in our weaknesses, he makes all grace pursue to give us blessings in abundance.

Just like Peter, sometimes we focus on our past experiences. Peter complained because of a bad experience when Jesus asked him to let down his nets. But if grace is in the midst, where you have been failing, you will experience net-sinking victory just like Peter did. Hallelujah!

Brethren, Christ is the reason the weak can say I have the strength and the poor the reason to say I'm rich. His grace produces enough for us all even in the midst of dearth. Shalom

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...