Sunday, 30 June 2019

Words of Grace-You are the joy of the Lord

                                           You are the joy of the Lord. 

                                          Heb 12:2, 5, Nehemiah 8:10

For the joy that was set before him, Christ endured the cross with passion. This joy is not anything than the joy that God has when he beholds us. That's we who have been brought back to his bosom through the obedience of Christ.

This is our state now before God. We are the joy of the Lord. Don't be little yourself or think that  no one cares. Have the knowledge of how God treats you. The Bible says he treats us as sons. How are sons treated? God is King so we who are sons, are of royal lineage and we are treated with heavenly royalty.

God loves us too much because we are his delight. This is the  joy of the Lord. This joy becomes our strength when we know, accept and act upon it. Let learn to be conscious of his love for us and we would always find strength to move on when the going even get tough. Shalom!

Friday, 28 June 2019

Words of Grace- The Believer has rest in God through Christ

                    The Believer has rest in God through Christ

                             Ps 23:1-2, Sam 30:16, Heb 4:6-10.

Those who believe in God, are always led by the spirit of God. They fix their mind on Christ, so no matter how shaky the situation is they are never found wanting. These people have entered the rest of God.

The leading of the Lord is always to give us his rest so we may dwell at ease in his presence no matter the depth of our raging sea. The Bible says, God leads us by the still waters to gives us rest. When we have the rest of God, we seize from our works for his works to take effect in our lives.

*It is through faith that we enter into his rest. As you go about your business, believe in Christ to enter his rest. Even when the going get tough, be strengthened in the Lord and toughen your faith to remain resolute. For when we're at rest in Christ, his finished work takes effect in our lives and we achieve results accordingly in an effortless manner.. Amen.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Words of Grace-Every need is of us is supplied in Christ

                                 Every need is of us is supplied in Christ

                                   Ps 23:1, Philip 4:19 Gen 1:26-30

It has always been the will of God that every need of us be supplied. That's why he created everything man ever needed before he made him. From the beginning the supply is been available and they follow us. It is written, goodness and mercy shall pursue us. That's the will of God concerning our lives. God is very much aware of all our needs and he has met them all for us in Christ.

But when man fell out of glory and the favour of God, the situation turned the other way. Man would now have to chase the supply with self effort. Life without God's help is a terrible condition.

But glory to God,  because of Christ, we have been restored to our rightful place in the presence of God. We who are now found in Christ, the supply pursue us. Just as God finished everything before man was created, on the cross Jesus finished everything for us. Now have the assurance that as you have believed in Christ and have made him your Shepherd, you have eternal life with the supply of every need. Shalom

Friday, 21 June 2019

Words of Grace-Believe in Christ, even if it doesn't make sense.

                            Believe in Christ, even if it doesn't make sense.

                                                   John 20:19-29

After Jesus resurrected, he appeared to some of the believers including his disciples who had locked themselves in a room, all  for the fear of the Jews. But Jesus dealt with their fears and even the unbelief heart of Thomas. It was hard for Thomas to believe Jesus but he came to the level of Thomas and dealt with his unbelief heart.

Thomas wanted to see Jesus in person. See the scars, touch and feel him before he would believe. We can say, according to Thomas,  faith must be sensible, logic and evident based which isn't so.

To believe the works of someone you have not seen is not easy. Especially to die and resurrects after three days. it takes grace to believe. That's why Jesus pronounced blessings on those who did not witnessed his resurrection and still believe him. Brethren Jesus blessed you and I long before  according to his word, because we didn't witnessed and yet we believe. Today because of your absolute faith in Christ, you are much more blessed and his goodness follows you all your lifetime. Shalom.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Words of Grace-Have no fear,for Jesus is in the midst

                                Have no fear, for Jesus is in the midst
                                  John 20:19-24, 1John 4:18, Tim 1:7

However you feel, whether unsafe or uneasy you can chose to be at peace because of Christ. The wonderful part of it all is that, the peace that we enjoy is not an absence of hardship in the system but in the midst of these tough moments we can still have no fear if we trust in God, the controller of all situations.

God always wants us to feel safe and not harboring fears, because fear can retard our progress. So Jesus after his resurrection appearing to his disciples who were fearful of the Jews, he said, peace be unto you.

The best way to deal with your fear is to have the sense of Christ and his love for you, for there is no fear in the love of God.This day, Say to yourself no matter the situation I will not fear. I'm on top of what I  do because I'm an outcome of grace. Continue in the grace to enjoy the peace of God for a successful day. Shalom!

Words of Grace-Be still

Monday, 17 June 2019

Words of Grace-Dont fall out of grace

                                                   Don't fall out of grace

                                                 Galatians 5:4-6, 3:13

The Bible records, when the right time came Christ was made a sacrificial lamb for our sins, liberated us totally from the Jewish rules which profited us of no salvation. Why then still stick to those rules and not the spirit which is the  grace of God? If we are led by those laws we're making Christ of no effect in our lives. And for that matter we fall from the grace by which we got saved.

Apostle Paul pointed out to the believers in Galatians to be wary of legalism and being led by self effort for justification. This makes the finished work of Christ of no effect in their lives. For If that is the way to go, could any man then save and sustain himself? No!

Brethren, we were not saved by grace to be bound by the Mosaic law. But we are to be led by same grace that saved us. This make Christ's finished work effective in our lives. So hold onto the grace, the spirit of God, that gives eternal security to all those who believe in Christ. Shalom

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Words of Grace-The living man reigns

                                        The living man reigns
                                 Gen 2:7, 15, John 19:30, Rom 8:2

God breathed into the man the breathe of life and he became a living being. That's any soul void of the breathe of God, is dead till there's encounter with God through Christ. The encounter with Christ gives us the spirit of  God. This spirit is the same breathe of life that made the man a living being. God always desires to have us alive in himself according to the riches of his grace so we could exercise power even unto the ends of the earth.

Its clear that the first living man lived the much more life in the beginning. Work completed by God, just as salvation completed in Christ. It was finished! The work of the living man only pointed to guarding the finished work. There was no struggle in being a living man then.That was how the first living man lived till his fall. Since then it has always been man's effort in the hard way in making an ends meet.

This morning as new creation tell yourself in faith that because I'm found in Christ i have the breathe of life and for that matter I'm a  living man or woman of God. And as the living man lived then, so I'm now dominant in every where I'm found. Amen. Shalom.

Words of Grace-God has given us much more....

                     God has given us much more through Christ

                                      Ephesians 1:3-5, 7, Colosians 1:14

The life of the born again, is always so much more because it goes beyond the life we see in the physical. God has given so much to us because of our union with Christ. Its so much joy to learn that, God has been so good to us, having given us every spiritual blessing in the heaven realm.

God in his own wisdom elected us to belong to the lineage of Christ, long before he called forth heaven and earth into being. And also our election was made  through Christ so that we could be completely righteous in the sight of God. God gave us everything when he gave his only begotten son. So whoever receives the son receives life which is  eternal in Christ himself.

Brethren let be encouraged to let hope arise in our present condition, for in no time our reality in Christ shall manifest in the physical for the glorious glory of God. Because we who are in Christ, stand redeemed and forgiven. Predestined for adoption long ago to bring us to himself, not as servants anymore but royals  through Jesus Christ, according to the pleasure of the will of God. Shalom!

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Words of Grace-Walking according to our calling

                                     Walking according to our calling

                                      1Peter 2:9, Romans 4:7, Eph 4:1

But we are a chosen people, priest and king, a holy people called to be his very own and to proclaim the wonderful works as he moved us out of darkness into his glorious light, telling us that everything from him to us is glorious according to his name. He treats us in royalty with every perfect gift. As he's perfect in nature, so he gives us good stuffs always.

 He who called us to bless us according to his measureless wealth is faithful and requires us to walk as we have been called; a chosen generation, royal priesthood, holy and special people of God. We suppose to see ourselves and walk as such.

 Walking faithfully in accordance with our calling and seeing ourselves beyond our present situation, is a perfect responds to what God says we are. It moves us from our state of need to his already made provision. A state he ever wanted us to be. If Christ is your portion then blessed are you! So walk in confident knowing that he's worked all things for your good. Shalom!

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Words of Grace-Flow with the Spirit and the Life of Christ

                                          Flow with the Spirit and Life in Christ.

                                           Gen 2:16-17, Rom 8:2,14 John 6:63

Have you ever find yourself taking a decision but you got stuck in indecision and perplexed? Thinking this is good so let me do it or this is bad so let me avoid it. At times when giving a helping hand we waver because of the sense of good and evil. And if for a reason you fail to offer that help, your soul is messed up all day because you feel you didn't do what is right or you did the wrong thing. This is the knowledge of good and evil which kills!

This way of life is really hectic to live and it is life according to the flesh which leads to death. God in his own wisdom never created us to function by the knowledge of good and evil. We were made to live by the spirit which gives life. And when we're led by the life, who is Christ, we enjoy the peace of God in all our engagements.

The knowledge of good and evil bring alive our old self, but when we're led by the spirit and the life, Christ is revealed in us. We who have accepted Christ are in sync with the life, and the life quickens us to function effortlessly in all our ways. So before we take any decision, let listen to the life within us to learn if we are at peace or not. If yes do it but if no then otherwise. For the spirit always gives right direction in a bid to give us the much more life. Shalom.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Words of Grace-Be led by the spirit

                           Be led by the law of the spirit.

                       Romans 7:24-25, 8:1-4, 5:20 John 1:17

Wretched man bound in the body of sin, unto eternal death. But in the fullness of time God sent his only son to come and died for the sins of the wretched man. It is written, the law came through Moses to highlights sin, but Grace and Truth came by Christ, to give sinful man new life in abundance.

The embodiment of grace and truth is Jesus. Whoever believes in him perish not but lives forever. Therefore there's now no condemnation for us who believe in Christ! Why? Because Christ who is the law of the spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death by fulfilling the requirements of the law in us, that's we who believe in him.

Brethren, the law of the spirit is all about grace and mercy! The gospel of Christ! We have been rescued to live in the new life through faith in  the resurrected King Jesus. Hallelujah!

Monday, 3 June 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-His righteousness-gives us for more in life

                                     His righteousness gives us much
                                                   more in life.

                                Romans 5:17, 4:13, John 10:10, 

He who is receives Christ, receives life in abundance. Its always been much more when dealing with Christ. But some of us may have received Christ but have not experience the much more life yet. This is because since we became born again its either our self efforts or mixture of grace and our works. But its written, the promise that was made to Abraham and his seed was not through the law but through the righteousness that comes to us by faith in Christ. God made it just like that so that his righteousness could be received as a gift  when we believe in Christ.

Maybe you have been relying on your self effort to get the deal done. Even after accepting Christ, you might have disbelieve the fact that Christ is our righteousness. But I encourage you to revisit the scripture to align yourself accordingly. Truly  when you look things from that angle, knowing that its all about Christ, and not about us anymore you have your feet stand firm on the  foundation of the gospel of peace which us leads us to live the much more life. Shalom!

Saturday, 1 June 2019

WORDS OF GRACE-Receive grace to enjoy the much more life

                                 Receive grace to enjoy the much 
                                                   more life.

                                    Romans 5:17, Hebrews 12:2

When you receive grace, you receive much more in life. That much more comes to us effortlessly without our works but through right believing. Not every believing is right for right believing is only found in Christ.

It is written, by one man's offence death reigned in us. The same way through one man Jesus, who is Superior to all,  we who receive him as the person of grace and the gift of our righteousness shall reign with much more power in life. Why much more when we receive Christ? Because the sacrifice is greater than the offense. Therefore Christ is an over payment for our sins.

 This day, as you make Christ your focus, you shall receive grace in abundance and the gift of righteousness, to reign much more in every area of your life. Amen!

At the Easter #015-Raised to life for our justification

Romans 4:25 The Resurrection of Christ our King makes us joyful because it brings us justification. It's one thing that we longed for. W...